domingo, 28 de junio de 2015

Two songs to celebrate!!!

Bonjour les mecs!! Ça va?
I hope you're doing good! Because in my case I'm feeling supeer goooood!! WHAY BETTER THAN I'VE EVER BEEN!!! Much better than in jupiter!!!! :D As a mexican expression I like would say.

....Zut! Je crois que je suis trop loin de notre système solaire et je suis maintenant dans une galaxie lointaine! XD...Oh boy!...see I'm so happy I've been started to use french again! :D 
...why?.... Because something fantastic, amazing and wonderful has happened recently!! Guest what?
Well, it happened that a few days ago I recovered a very dear and close friend of mine!!! ^^

The history?...Sorry I'll have to dissapoint you this time.
In part cos the story it's long and at this moment I'm doing "heavy"  and "light" fonts, and have to be 24 different fonts. Also I have to finish a stage for a stop-motion animation that will start making Monday, which we should have done already a few weeks ago, but my classmates left me all the work so. And stop motion it's always a hard work.
But then I'll do the best I can, I am documenting in the field of animation and hope it goes well in the end. XD

But specially and mostly, cos this is a very personal thing. Because it's not just about  me, but the friend I mention ...he is very reserved about his personal life. As well as me, so I would like to honor that, and the fact he have let me to be his friend and be part of his life :)

But don't worry, you're not losing anything *chuckles* 
Also, there's something can tell you, to express how happy I am! I have to say my folks, with much amazement, that this is the first time I feel fulfilled in every sense of the word.
 I finally feel my spirit feels free and happy and full of inner peace; I feel my life is complete! ^^
Right now I feel I'm in a point of my life where, everthing it's just going right as it should be.

I have a hard but a good job (one that pays my school at least XD) I'm starting an exciting journey studying an art-related career as I always wanted, and most important, I have him in my life again!
And now I realize all I needed to fill my spirit and feel my life was was him! :D
He always meant a lot for me....I can tell you he was, and is, a part of myself!
That is why today I feel like celebrating *chuckles*
So I would love to share with you this song, which although in Swahili (and the letter has nothing to do with what I'm talking about, but speaks of Simba) is a song that perfectly conveys all that there in my being from about 2 weeks ago and a few days more. Especially, I remember feeling very calmly and joy in my heart when I received the message that he was sure that if he wanted to be my friend! And I cried, but with excitement!

 The Music

You know I usually share the music I love with you, just for the pleasure of sharing it, because I think that's a great thing to do! And very often, I hear music that reflects how I feel at the moment, and I hear the same music for a good while, hehe.
I also think that sometimes music can say much more than words. That is why in these three weeks, I've been listening cheerful and warm, energizing, ones that make you feel all warm, hopeful and cozy inside.
These are two songs who have accompained me recently, because they transmit very well how I've felt since this wonderful miracle happened.

Snow in August.

The first, is a song it's called "Snow in August" from the  "Nanny McPhee" soundtrack. I had the pleasure to find it some months ago, and now I've been feeling like listening it again. Because besides being a happy song, it's also a song of "triumph", so to speak. In my opinion I think that comes in handy for the occasion, as it talks about something someone has been longing for a long time and now is finally possible.
In the case of the film where it belongs, the song represents what the girl yearned on the movie. In my case, to find my friend was what I longed with all my heart for about two years and a bit more.

Talking about Nanny McPhee's movie mmhh...well I think it's a good movie, but not like "an epic movie" or a too impressive movie. So if you don't see it I don't think you would be lossing much heheh. The movie it's very predictable and at some parts, too silly for most of adults. XD So I've seen the movie but what I liked the most about it, it's just this song! :)

Personally, this song amazed me. I think cos in my life have been rare to find a song that convey joy, hope and faith as much as this one does! And well as many of you know, I always use songs to inspire me to do art, so this was an amazing discovery!
And in fact I usually cannot work or study or do art or anything without music, for me music is like food for the soul, the fuel to do art, what helps to create! So I rarely have done art without music, I think just as one or two times.


 And this one is called "Busa". From the soundtrack of The Lion King.
I discovered it some of months ago when I was doing some work in Corel Draw vector, a restaurant menu one of my teacherd asked. I was doing the work at school computer classroom one day, and I was looking for music to inspire me, so I found this one by chance. I thought that I would love to share it with my friends. And now I can! :D

And right now it comes in handy to share this because it is very appropriate for the occasion.
Cos although the letters are in Swahili and talk about Simba, the melody is more than adequate, cos is relaxing, but also conveys a lot of energy and joy, good vibes. So is a song that perfectly conveys all what I've been feeling on the deeps of my being since about 2 weeks ago and a few days more. ^^
Specially, it makes me remember very well the amazing feeling of joy, relief and tranquility I felt in my heart when I received his message saying he was sure he would love to hang with me again! I remember I a fountaine ;)
I cried from joy! A joy I barely could contain in my heart heheh...

Oh and no I'm not going to talk about the Lion King right now XD That's another story and I have lot of homework to do! XD