viernes, 27 de junio de 2014

More ariel sketches

I was organizing my documents, and I found some Ariel sketches I did in March, and May of this year. So I thought "why not to share them?" and so there are them. I guess it's a relief for me not to feel the need to write much about them, and also for you to not read it I think! *chuckles*
All I can say, it's that I just was drawing ariel for fun not for something in particular XD

In this first one page of sketches, I tried to parctice to draw her in different poses, from the sides, and also from the front (as you can see I'm not as skillful for front poses ans I do with the others XD) and from behind. And I think at the end I liked the two first sketchs, specially the one where you can see a bit of her back. Cos I think I finally could get a bit good of drawing people from behind, it's funny now to think I was atrocious for that like 10 years ago! XD

I drew this one in may, it was cos I was listening the song Harmony of the Little Mermaid series.That was why I felt inspired to draw ariel on a pose similar to the video, for that I watched the video as reference. I was practicing drawing this particular perspective. And believe it or not, this single sketch took me like 5 hours to do it right!

 And you know why? It's cos I'm not used to draw perspectives other than parallel ones. So I must keep practicing, and I think if you guys who are reading this would like to be better in drawing (or in any other thing) you must practice it a lot too, cos having talent it's important, but practice it's what helps you to be exceptional the most! :D

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