domingo, 11 de octubre de 2015

First Twipsy - Concept Art

Salut les mec! Ça va?

This weekend I've had some stuff to do, homeworks at school to my work of the office. Although not as much work as the last week (not this one, but the other before this) when we were finishing and showing the teachers lots of projects. We finished this "primer parcial" (first partial tests season) and we are going to start the second.
So at least in the school part, things were a bit calm this week. So I had the time to talk about my friends a bit, and also to put attention to my work.

Today I was doing a homework in illustrator, and it was cool because last week, my brother installed the RAM memory on my computer, so now it has a bit more memory. So I have just "given a bite" to my computer (as mexicans would say, it's a joke because we use the verb "try") this weekend, and I realized it's working well.

So I was doing a homework in illustrator today, and I was loosing the motivation for working on it, because it's been a week I'm working at this and I don't finish! XD So I thought "why not to work on something I really like! Something that is not for homework! it's been a while I haven't done that".
And there's something I wanted to draw since a pretty good while....Twipsy! :D

"Twipsy Concept Art " Illustrator CS6

Twipsy it's the main character from a show I used to watch when I was a teen, with my siblings. It was such a cool and fun show!
I always wanted to draw this buddy when the show was aired, but as I told to a friend of mine who asked once "why do you never have drawn twipsy?" it's because I felt like if I tried to draw it, I wasn't going to be able to draw him in the original style on the show, because that style it's so cartoonish, and my style of drawing tends to be more semi-realistic.
So I said "heavens! If I draw him in my style and beople feel upset about that?!", I thought that a Twipsy in my style was going to look weird XD

The time passed though, and there are two great friends I met ( one since 3 years ago, and the other recently some months ago) who like the show, and even if it's not aired since a pretty good time ago, they are very enthusiastic fans of him and the show. Also have given me good feedback on my art, have been very nice with me, and his comments about Twipsy made me remind the show and him too. So this have inspired me to draw him!
I thought it was the perfect choice, and I finally got to get out the worries and draw him...of course I had to draw him in my style.

... I swear I tried to draw him like the show...but....but...I don't know! HEHEH! The more I tried to draw him similar to the show's style the more it looked weird! XD
Also, when I was drawing the sketch in Photoshop, my tablet stopped to work! So yeah, that's why this piece turned to be vector. Because, as I couldn't draw without tablet in photoshop but I do in illustrator because it's vector, and I was already doing another work there, well I felt it was cool because I was going to practice vector drawing more, which I think I still need to learn heheh.

About the concept:
Well, what I tried to do was to draw him as I imagined him. In the show he's a cybermesenger, a criature that lives in your computer and makes sure emails arrive to their destiny, and he's made of pure energy. So that's what I tried to represent with the bigger hand, that is the hand that he uses to carry the datat, that it's often represented by cubes. The clothes are cos, I always thought he was dressed, I mean, it's a family-friendly cartoon show, he can't be naked XD And I tried to conserve the looking (because the character looking has meaning) as well as the scence of the character here. Jolly, friendly, energetic, that's what I tried to transmit in this drawing. ^^
Also the cube of information was redesigned by me :D

And yes, I still feel a bit nervous about what his fans would say about this concept....but at the same time I think that it's always cool when artist draw a character in their own style, because then people have more variety when looking at fanart of their favorite shows.

So this goes to Saradrawing and Rabid_Leroid.
Cos dawing this have made me feel very happy, made me forget all my worries for a moment! So I thank a lot to girls for encouraging me to draw Twipsy!
Also, I chosed twipsy for this drawing, because recently was the Birthday of one of them, and to my other friend, it's been a while since I've wanted to draw Twipsy for her.
 So, happy Birthday Rabid_Leroid!! Hope you can have more and more years to do Twipsy art! 

sábado, 3 de octubre de 2015

The amazing Irukandji!

Hiya folks! Hope you're having a good week.

Right now....I didn't feel in the mood for writting at first...I'm dealing with some personal issues...I don't want to talk about them though..I mean, because it's something I need to face alone, since I know none of you can help...and then I would unnecessarily make you sad if I talk about it, and that's something I'd never want to do! I dont like to make my peeps sad or worried.
Also....I try to see the positive side of the situation...I struggle at least, like always :)

Although maybe I'm not feeling like writting just cos I'm feeling a bit tired still. And I feel tired cause I haven't been totally recovered from this week that just passed. It has been a very hard, hurried and busy week of tests and delivery of projects.
Every period of test is like this in fact, because we have always projects to finish and to show the teachers, and also the il fait chaud on here and...wait, I mean...hehe I mean, I mean that the heat it's doing here makes me difficult to write *chuckles*

Today I had planned to talk with two dear friends of mine (not sure if they would want me to mention them here so....*shy giggles*)  but since they are from "the other side of the pond" as people in spanish use to say (in Europe, one is from Spain and the other is French) and they have work or school (or both) they usually have time only on weekends and in the morning to talk.

I had to do some work from a school project and sent it via email to one of my classmates during the day, because it was a team work. And also some work from my I wasn't able to talk with my friends today....I hope tomorrow or the next weekend I can have more chance...because I'm starting to miss a bit the "on live talkings" we used to has been a lot of fun everytime we talk heheh...they are my best friends ever ^^

But well, yeah, after a day of work and school homework, I feel tired again! Sometimes when I rarely have some free time, like today. I don't feel like writting XD...
...Yet, I have been posted moslty trash (a.k.a. rough sketches) and I feel I need to post something that worths it! Something people actually would like to come and see. And specially cos there are 2 friends of mine who think this blog it's cool!
And if at least a couple of people can like my art and I can make them happy with it....I think it worth every effort! ^^

 Well today I'm going to share this drawing littled "The amazing Irukandji" It's a drawing of a dangerous yet cool looking animal, a  little jellyfish (size 10 mm) that lives in the coasts of Australia and it's called "the Irukandji".  Was made on February 2010 (see the date in the drawing). I made it when I had still my tablet working. 
I miss drawing with tablet! Since a pretty good time it no longer works. Now I see a paper sheet and I feel bizarre to draw on paper! XD
Plus I haven't had much time to do art that it's not from homework. XD

Technique: digital. Photoshop Cs4 and bamboo wacom tablet.
"The amazing Irukandji".   Photoshop cs4 and bamboo wacom tablet.

It's not to surprise that these animals live on there, since Australia it's the place with some of the most venomous animals in the world. Sometimes there are times in Australia (sometimes even moths) where the people close their beaches because lots of jellyfish that comes to the coast from time to time.

Then, why to draw this so toxic animal... franklyI don't know XD I've always had a fascination for animals, to see them and to draw them and to look for info and watching cool documentary shows about them, no matter if they are potentially dangerous or not, because I think all animals have great qualities and a place and a mission on the world.
Also, I think I'm a bit attracted to the animals that are considered dangerous, because they are covered by an air of mistery, since people haven't discovered many stuff about most of them, and usually cos they're cool looking too *chuckles* 

Some time ago when I was kid, I used to draw a lot of animals, almost all my free time I used it for that *chuckles* It was until I started to share my work on art comunities that I realized...the huge lack of reactions of people on my work of animals, specially positive reactions. But most of the time there was no reaction at all. 
I just saw how people used to squeal and get excited when people made art of pretty girls in lingerie, or characters from cartoon shows like disney and cartoon network shows. I felt like there was no space for animal artwork on the online comunity....
Even when I suscribed to dA, my account was all alone for a pretty good time! And it was until I knew Foster's Home and I made fanart of the show that I managed to get some visitors. 
....No wonder why I left aside the animals! 

But sometimes there are things that inspire me to draw animals again; that happens when I see cool documentary shows that amaze me, and this time wasn't the exception! For this drawing I was heavily inspired by a documentary show I watched once in discovery channel, about some scientist who went into an aventure looking for this elusive animal.

What I really loved about that show, and what amazed me the most too, was the enormous thirst for adventure and devotion of the scientist! I mean, you could feel the guys were fascinated *chuckles* They where to go there to study the animal to know more about it! Even, thet put themselves in risk of being sting by it, and 2 of them were stung. And they suffered from the symptoms that included intense pain, vomit, fever, and a state of being paranoic about dying.

But even so...even after that, they were amazed to have the chance to capture a sample to study it, and they looked excited to come back to the same beach where they were bitten by the animal.
I thought they were very brave, and I was happy to see how their fascination was more than their fear. I think that's how true scientist should be :)
So I decided to dedicate this drawing to them, even if I don't remember their names, I think they deserve the congrats for being great scientists.
 I still keep looking for the name of the show to know.