Hi there everybody!
This is an entry I started to write a Friday, 9 May of this year, but I just wasn't able to finish it, until now. So I would like to post it today I have a bit of a time. Obviously, it's not a quote cos it's an article that it's been just in process to be written. But just so you know the date of start :)
Also I come here to talk about him because the few friends I have are already tired of listening to me to talk about him and how cool he and his artwork were! XD I've realized it, how some of them say "Oh I'm going to go to a meeting I gotta go!" but they don't, they actually are just running off from me because they are tired to hear me talking about him XD
One can feels when someone says something for truth or when they're jus cutting you off because they aren't interested on what you're talking about...but in this case...well, I understand them.
They didn't know him, it's normal they are not interested...but now I realize how I've made them tired, I feel a bit bad! *SHY GIGGLES* So I no longer do it XD I better come here ;)
Although not all people friends were like this! I thank a lot to my dear friend Jame cos she was really nice with me all this time! She understands me and she is always willing to listen what I'd like to say! And for me that it's priceless! ^^
Well, some time ago, I was searching the
web some photos for doing some drawings, after having finished some art I
was doing of a character of mine. And don't imagine what I found, a few
of the Photo-manipulations that my friend did!
So Imagine my
surprise! I was so happy because now I can share this with you, now you
can see finally some of his work!!! It's such a great honor and joy to
have found this and share. Specially because it's interesting not only
to see his artwork, but specially his phrases that are always so
elegant, and his great great humor! ^-^
Hehe, probably you have no idea of what I'm talking about, sorry! *chuckles*
I'm talking about an amazing artist and person, a really dear friend I had and I haven't seen in a pretty good
time, and I really would like to see again. The same I've talked about a bit
And I know probably some people who
comes to read this blog (if someone ever does XD ) is going to think "Again with that?" "is not worth to remember if a person doesn't make efforts to contact you", or "if it's been to much time you haven't seen this person, why not just forget all?" etc etc etc ...well, because
it's my life!!! :)
Plus I'm not who to judge. And think other people should not do it either.
I know nobody is going undersand this, because nobody
knew him as much as I got to know him...
Our bonding was special...but it is also a very personal thing, which if I talk of, I know it would be like ...bringing lots of tourists to a inmaculated water spring or a virgin beach.
And what they are going to do? They will go and pollute it throwing trash all over the place, step on the coral's reef destroying it (in the case of beach's methaphor) they're going to cut down the trees and make animals go extint.
With or without intention, but they will do it. And then the place would be ruined and will no longer be meaningful.
So I don't expect you to understand, and thus I'm going to bother to say what happened or why I keep reminding him either.... plus nobody reads this blog XD
Actually, this is mostly just a public-private journal I do for myself *chuckles*
I call it this way because, even if it seems to be "public" actually I know that who would come here doesn't really know who I am. And the ones who do, who have got to know me for real, to know more where I live or what I do in the mornings, are only a couple of friends of mine. And I know if they decide to visit me and I can met them in person, they will not make mention of this site to the people of my town. They know that what they read in this blog stays in this blog, and in their minds and hearts too of course :)
I just would like to talk you about this dear friend of mine, but no with sadness, but with joy.
Cos as I said it at my dA (that now I don't use it very much but well...) I would really like to honor one of the traits he saw in me and nobody saw, and that he loved and admired. It's that I always try to see the positive side of things, and be strong no matter what. So I struggle to do this, and I'll try to be in peace with the hope one day he will come back, and we will hang out together again...and I will be able to tell him what I haven't been able to tell him.
A bit of his great artwork!
something I've always wanted to tell him and I never had the opportunity to;
that I always liked this joy the vivid colors gave to his work. I
was gladly surprised to read this, cos like him, I also like a lot to use
vivid colors in my work!
I loved how he described why when he said "Car j'aime ce côté magie colorée et explosive" , cos it was very well explained!
a comment, for what I've seen, it seems to be a very cool forum, maybe I
might join someday...I don't know, I usually don't have time for forums
Well, Here I post this beautiful intro that he himself wrote when he showed his artwork in this forum called "graphistes world". The topic was
Gale-riz de galoubet
, it makes me giggle this tittle, I think it was clever and funny at
the same time.
It brings me nostalgia and a bit of melancholy....to remember how all his other art dissapeared....But these are the last vestiges I've seen from this extraordinary person and artist, so it means a lot for me to tell you about this!
I kept the
format of the text when quoiting it, so you can see that how it's very neat, very well
organized, that's one of the things that I loved a lot of him.
notice he only posted his images there on that topic, cos he cared of posting it only in one place so to not spread his stuff through all the forum. This
makes me happy too, cos I am organized like that too, if I would go to a forum to
posting my stuff, that's exactly what I would have done too!
Bonjour à tous.
I* Intro :
premièrement j'utiliserais uniquement ce poste pour publier mes images
pour éviter de poster abusivement et ne pas étaler les images dans toute
la section.
Je suis sous DA c'est eux qui me servent d'hébergement et j'espère que ça ne pose aucuns problèmes.
II* Qui suis-je :
mon sujet, je suis dans la photo-manipulations depuis 8 mois activement
ce qui veut dire que je suis en contacte avec PS depuis un bon nombre
d'années mais que je m'en servais uniquement pour jouer et rien de
concret et d'ici peu je me suis mis à 3D avec Blender x64 ver2.62.
III* Mon travail :
style graphique va chercher dans plusieurs types facilement notables
qui pour les décors en nature sont des couleurs très accentués. Car
j'aime ce côté magie colorée et explosive.
Pour ce qui est des mis en scène avec un personnage ou autre, c'est la dérision que je cherche, donner un autre sens.
Et donc outre l'aspect visuel j’essaie de faire passer une pensé à travers mes images .
le projet libre, ça c'est quand j'ai la flemme d'avancer mon travaille
et tout ce que je souhaite c'est une image qui fasse jolie pour me
rappeler que je sais encore faire quelque chose des mes dix doigts 
dernier point qui m'amuse beaucoup, mettre sur image des phénomènes qui
ne peuvent exister dans la vie réelle, comme le dit mon frangin.. "Je
vends du rêve" Comme quoi il avait tout faux..Personnes ne m'a jamais
(Oh le jolie copié/collé !)
IV* Point de vue :
Cette galerie sera édité au fil du temps de manière à ce que vous puissiez y jeter un coup d’œil.
n'ai pas la prétention de me considérer comme une personne très doué et
je sais que j'ai ÉNORMÉMENT de connaissances à acquérir et que mon
travail reste par mon expérience assez brouillon.
toujours avancé en autodidacte et c'est pourquoi j'aimerais vos avis
pour savoir quelles mauvaises habitudes j'ai pris pour apprendre à les
rectifier avec le temps .
plus grande tare est sûrement de n'avoir aucuns vrai stock quand je
monte une création c'est toujours avec la pioche et la pelle..
Les images sont des plus récentes au plus anciennes par chaque catégorie.
Merci de prendre de votre temps pour venir ici et soyez indulgents, s'il vous plaît !
My comments
Well, first of all I
must say, I was very surprised when I read this intro, cos I found out
that the way I do my art it's pretty much like he describes it here, heheh.
example, I also have this kind of artwork that he calls project libre.
You know, when you're uninspired for continuing with a work, to finish it the
way you wanted, and then you "loose" a bit and do other thing that is just for fun, to
remember yourself that you can do something good with "your ten fingers"
as he said, ehehh. I really liked that expression ^^
It always amazes me how these kind of projects, the ones when you relax more,
are the ones that come out better, and people usually like them a lot more than the ones that you stress to realize in a more "formal way" so to speak.
think it's because you usually have fun the most with the "sketchy" works, and
that is transmitted to people :D Also, I loved the fact he is very
modest, and always tries to improve himself in the art, and also as a person in every day life, in general.
Also I loved this expression of "Je vends du rêve" and what he meant with it. Since I do to, love to create things that you don't normally find in real life. New worlds...new adventures!...Things that could make people dream! :3
And even if people say in these comments that he wrote "a wall", I know why they say this. It's just that people don't like to read...and later they wonder why they don't have a cool vocabulary and why they aren't elegant when talking XD
But I do like to read though. Specially what he likes to say! Cos he's got an amazing way of writting that it's just so fun and cool, and also warm! It makes you feel you're not behind a computer when reading. But you're talking with him in person :) Also his comments are always very well thought.
About the art, well I think these two people who replied him have given him good advices. It's evident that some of the photomanip pieces needed a bit of more work on how they are merged together, and in a couple of them the colors are a bit "too bright"....But he was a "newbie" at that time. He was just trying to find his own style.
So at that time the important thing wasn't the "technic" in my opinion. But the most important thing, and what called my attention met most, was that at the time when he posted this, he already han an idea of what he wanted to do; he wanted to create fantastic and new worlds, worlds nobody had seen before! And that, it's priceless! ^^ It's something I look for when I make art too.
Probably some years later (for example now or the next year) he himself will see some of his old works and will say to himself "Wuut?....What the hell I was thinking when I did this?!" *chuckles* Because that's a normal thing to say for an artist that evolves. Even...I myself think this of many of my works when I was a "newbie" in drawing! XD
But even so, I cherish my old works a lot, as well as the new ones, cos they bring me good memories from when I made them!
I hope one day he comes back with lots of new pieces of artwork...I really do!!...
And I know for a fact, that when he comes back, if he does, these pieces will look so small compared to the glory of the new ones.
But I show these to you cos I think it's cute and cool to see how an artist evolves. I've always loved to see the words of artists since the first ones to the most recent ones. It's just so interesting to know how an artist find their own style, how they make it come out of their hearts and shine!
One friend I have for example, always says as a joke "don't comment on my old work cos its horrible!!" but it isn't an horrible work. It's a part of the artist and it has a meaning!
Oh and also I really liked when he said that being a self-taught learner, he needed advice to know what were the "bad habits" so he could rectify on time. Cos I know how I feels, I also am a self-taught learner in art, and a lot of other things. So I appreciate the advice cos I don't want to get "bad habits" on stuff I learn, specialy about learning languages.
Here are the links that talk about his artwork, in the case you can see his
other topics, it's very interesting see
his work and his evolution as an artist..and specially reading what he has to say! ^^ I've always loved the way he constructs his phases, his use of
the words is amazing!
Creations de Galoubet
In this one page, obviously you can see that he's the one with the name of "invitè".
Galeriz de Galoubet
While in this one (the one where the quote is from) he has his usual nickname.
I know one day he will come back, and we will share lots of cool stuff and hang out together! And he will always be...my best friend ever!....
Go check it out! In both of the pages his comments are fun and cool to read!