Bonjour les mecs!
Here "reportandome" so you can see I'm still alive! Hehe!
These weeks have been very heavy at school, since we have had lots of big projects, that appart of being big are very complex and take a lot of time!
These weeks have been very heavy at school, since we have had lots of big projects, that appart of being big are very complex and take a lot of time!
One of the projects that absorbed my time a lot was an stop-motion animation I started to make since 5 weeks ago for our professor Mau (Mauricio he gives the class of "design of webpages") and I still cant finish it.
Earth & Coca Cola
It's cos stop-motion animation it's one of the most complex (and complicated) animation techniques. For the ones who doesn't know what is is: You have to take several photos of an object while moving it some millimeters, and then attach the photos in sequence to give the illusion of movement!In the case of our team (I worked with two of my classmates) we chose
the brand Coca Cola, one of my favorite brands, and surprisingly, our prof Mau's favorite too :D
And I think that's partly why we have devoted too much of my time to this project, as prof Mau is one of my favorite teachers (I hope soon a little more of it, and you'll see why I admire him!) And Coca Cola is one of his favorite brands, so I would love a real great job, one that, if at least doesn't leave him impressed, cannot be a disappointment to him either, and he at least like it.I think I mentioned it before, but not talked about at great detail. So now is the chance to do it!
The idea was to make a rotating earth and taking the drink, and as it is an original idea, I will not be able to show the finished work anywhere until we publish on the website that we did. But what I can show you now is the "behind the scenes" so to speak:
And I think that's partly why we have devoted too much of my time to this project, as prof Mau is one of my favorite teachers (I hope soon a little more of it, and you'll see why I admire him!) And Coca Cola is one of his favorite brands, so I would love a real great job, one that, if at least doesn't leave him impressed, cannot be a disappointment to him either, and he at least like it.I think I mentioned it before, but not talked about at great detail. So now is the chance to do it!
The idea was to make a rotating earth and taking the drink, and as it is an original idea, I will not be able to show the finished work anywhere until we publish on the website that we did. But what I can show you now is the "behind the scenes" so to speak:
The first 2 photos are original ones (the ones I took with my Canon, which I used for the animation ) the others were taken with my smartphone.
The earth and the bottle of coke. It is assumed that earth was going to have one arm appearing at some point of the animation secuence and was going to grab coke, but eventually the arm fell off the clay figure (FAIL I know!! XD) so I had to take them in separate photos and stick them with photoshop.
Also those days were cloudy and there was not much light inside my house to take the photos. But the good thing was that at the end everything went well, and I finished taking the pictures. Now what it's taking me time is putting them together with Flash because my computer freezes up when I'm working, and it's quite a NIGHTMARE! My brother says it's probably because my lap has an small memory ram, so I changed from windows 8 to windows 7, I thought it was going to get better, but still has trouble working.
I haven't sleep well in these 3 weeks! So I hope I can finish soon!
But despite the problems with my computer, I'm having fun making this stop motion, because I've always wanted to do one in form, and now it's my chance!
When I was a kid, I made a bit of a stop-motion work with my siblings, but that was just a video of like...3 seconds I think, and it was just us moving a clay sculpture of a girl with a fluffy dress I did XD
So this is my first "formal stop motion work" so to speak, so it's very exciting!
well, hope you liked this post and see you soon. :)

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