Today a fellow artist told me that with the change of eclipse, tags can help people to find your drawings better on deviantArt.
So I spend all afternoon today adding tags to my old drawings because I’d like people to find my stuff easily and ask me for comissions, because I’m having a hard time to pay my landlord this month.
Meanwhile on my linkedid, the fact I had a lot of “thanks a lot for your interest on our enterprise but we will hire someone else” messages waiting for me made my head hurt.
And then I passed the rest of the night trying to figure out how my comic panels would be better for continuing “Nature’s guardian” but I couldn’t finish a thing because my eye started to hurt, aaand now I have nothing to post XD
So I think that’s why I’m writting this, because I apologize for not posting any drawing today.
Also, I’m trying to continue the redesing of Polaris because the ship will be on almost every episode of the saga of comics so, I cannot start anything without it! XDfellow artist told me that with the change of eclipse, tags can help people to find your drawings better on deviantArt.
So I spend all afternoon today adding tags to my old drawings because I’d like people to find my stuff easily and ask me for comissions, because I’m having a hard time to pay my landlord this month.
Meanwhile on my linkedid, the fact I had a lot of “thanks a lot for your interest on our enterprise but we will hire someone else” messages waiting for me made my head hurt.
And then I passed the rest of the night trying to figure out how my comic panels would be better for continuing “Nature’s guardian” but I couldn’t finish a thing because my eye started to hurt, aaand now I have nothing to post XD
So I think that’s why I’m writting this, because I apologize for not posting any drawing today.
Also, I’m trying to continue the redesing of Polaris because the ship will be on almost every episode of the saga of comics so, I cannot start anything without it! XD
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