martes, 6 de enero de 2015

Cat and Peter Christmas Drawing

Hiya folks!
I'm preparing for traveling back to Chiapas tomorrow, cos I will have to go back to school, but before going (and now I have a change) I would like to share this drawing of Cat and Peter from the graphic novel of a dear friend of mine.

I started it a few days before Christmas, but I hardly had time for drawing, and plus, the illustrator wasn't as easy as I thought! XD In fact, with this software it takes me hours what with photoshop or sketchbook express I'd do in 5 minutes. But it's probably because Illustrator it's a relatively new program for me.

I've started to use it since this past September when I signed up to College, and I have to practice with it cos it's part of my career, and I'll need it in the future to desing logos and other stuff.
 So I saw an opportunity to practice with this drawing, that I would like to present proudly, cos I liked very much the result! It looks like I'm starting to get used to it, and it came out a lot better than my very first try with it, even I did find out how to make degradding of colors!

I feel a bit ashamed cos it's late, and not only late for Christmas time, but also late because this idea  came to my mind some months ago, when my friend was feeling a bit nervious when sending his story to publishers; so I wanted to do a giftart to make her feel better, and to show her that there are much people who loves threadcaster ^^
So, "Late but sure" as we say in mexico, hope it still can make her feel good if she feels down, and also hope you've had a fantastic time in these holidays, and have a prosperous and happy new year!

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