One day when I was coming back home from school one guy arrived to the combi (in Mexico we call like this to the public trasport that it's a van) with two chickens in a wood cage!
I must say that I'm surprised by the Mexican way XD Specially on this city; as long as it isn't illegal, you can carry anything on the public transport!
I wasn't able to take the behind of this cage cos the guy didn't spent much time at the combi and left very quickly. But the funniest thing about this is that the front part of the cage was all covered like you can see...while the behind was all open and you could see all the chicken's tails!! XD
I found that fact to be hilarious and a bit ood, cos the poor chickens were obviously having a bad time with the heat the poors, while their booties were all fresh and feeling the breeze.

Also the same week I found a death butterfly in the street.
The first thing thought was "It would have been amazing to take a photo of it alive" and I was a bit sad cos it wasn't alive.

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