martes, 1 de julio de 2014

To sleep a bit more it's worth!

Hi there folks! Hope you're having a good day :)

It was 7:00 am. when  I heard the alarm clock of my brother, and then I wanted to wake up to have more time to do the stuff I do everyday, but I was sleepy cos I hadn't been able to sleep much yesterday, that I went back to the bed again.  Then when I woke up at 10 pm. I knew the extra time I didn't planned to stay sleeping was awesome, cos I dreamed about a new story today!

As some of you know (cos I have mentioned it some time ago) sometimes I dream about stories that only exist in my imagination, usually it's as me watching something on the TV, like if it was a movie, but these are original things. Some time ago when I was younger, I didn't really pay much attention to these because I thought they were vague and "unfinished", and thus not very useful. But since some time ago, I discovered that these kind of dreams are in episodes or parts, so yeah they have a beginning, and end of course, it's just I haven't seen it yet cos I haven't reached to it.

And I must say, that some of these dreams are really cool and amazing! So much that sometimes I've been found myself waking up in early morning to draw some of these things! XD It's all very intense when it happens!
That's precisely why I've been taking note of these dreams since like....3 or 4 years ago, cos as I've realized, there is a reason why I have these I'm sure God wants me to do something with my talent, and turn these dreams in stories! I hope I can dream more of these stories, so I can get more inspiration to turn them into a comic or book someday, but meanwhile I'm going to talk a bit about this, cos it was cool!
The 19 century kids
 It was a dream about 4 kids, and their grandfather. They lived in a house made of wood, that was near to a farm, that a bit later in the dream I realized it was theirs, I suppose the parents were off or something like that,cos I didn't see them.....or probably death?...I'm not sure.
How I know they were from 1910? Well because of all the stuff from that age (buildings, clothes, the lamps!) since I'm fan of making stories with this time in particular as the setting, cos I think it was very interesting and enigmatic. All this age in general, it's amazing, it was the beginning of the industrial revolution, and lots and lots of interesting things have happened! 

So the dream started with the house and the farm, and near to the house there was a .... and the grandfather was yelling at them cos they were playing with ballons filled of painting, and left all the walls of the ..... full of that painting! XD Then the older of the kids was in the ceiling and said, referring to their siblings "I told them to not do that, but they didn't listened". 
I don't think they were bad kids though. You could see how they were playing, and probably all that "bad behavior" was just because they missed their parents (if they were death) and they wanted them to spend more time to them (if they were alive) and their older sister struggled to be mature, but wasn't old enough to know what to do in all the situations.

The characters of my dream...mmhhh they were an old but kindhearted man, a girl in her 12-13 years old, a boy of 10, a girl of  5 and the last one boy was like 3 years old or something I think. 
I think the older kid was an inventor, because she always used to carry a belt with tools, and her clothes were dirty like if she used to try to fix things or to build something.

They talked in English, although not British English, but american with a kind of southern accent....and it was funny to notice they dressed like if they were poor (I guess cos the parents were a middle-class family before, and they had debts?...) but they had a farm that was pretty big and house that looked very nice...and why the parents of the kids let the Grandpa taking care of them? I am not sure, but poor guy! They seemed the kind of kids who liked adventures  *chuckles*

Well, anyways, in the dream, when the grandpa called them and yelled at them a bit, they went back home to change clothes (cos they were full of painting XD) and to take dinner. And meanwhile, when night was comming, we could see that in the ..... something fell down from the sky.....and that was when I woke up, sadly. So I couldn't see what was going to happen next!! XD

So, what I did when I woke up was to draw this:

Just rough sketches of the characters I dreamed. And as I said up there, I hope I can dream more about this one story!

It's funny now I notice it, when I dream, I often dream with characters that are geeky, who are I know why, I think it's because I myself was inventor when I was a kid! I just left it after some years, specially when my father said "being an inventor isn't a career, you cannot make a career out of it!". 
I admit he was right in part...although now I regret leaving that passion I had for building things I had,  I would have liked to not pay attention to that, or at least no completely but partially pay attention, and keep doing it. Because now I feel I have no longer this skill since a pretty good time :( least I'm very glad I didn't left the art, and also to notice I keep having dreams about original stories and characters! ^^

Oh almost forget it! One curious thing about this dream, it's that one of the characters said "Pixeles" too! XD
I said "too" cos some days ago I had a dream of completely different story/characters, where one character said that as an exclamation expression. 
Mmmhhh....I guess someone wanted me to use this as a "catchphrase" or expression *chuckles*

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