sábado, 18 de octubre de 2014

Art with bad reputation...

Hiya folks!
This is a journal I also shared on dA, where I talked a bit about the art genre with the worse reputation of all the time. One that in my opinion, is not fairly earned.

This journal was written originally on Mon Jul 14, 2014, 10:53 PM 
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"Today I was looking for inspiration through the comics secction on here, cos I'm planning to make a comic, and by chance I saw in the comics section of dA, a comic about Sonami (Sonic x Ami) that  looked very sweet but was incomplete, and with an outgoing link.
So I tried to see because the pages posted on dA started romantic, and I like sonicXami, and I saw a couple of pages, then I realized it was an erotic comic.
So I closed the page and gone, cos honestly, I realized, that I was starting to feel a bit tempted to try this genre of art and comics for a moment. So that's precisely why I don't see that kind of comics. Luckily some minutes later, I said "Naah" and just went back to da. And I think it's great that I think so, cos this kind of comics, I've seen it causes a lot of troubles and sorrow.

Cos the life of an erotic aftist it's too haid, as I've seen for other artist. Cos erotic artists can't post them on most of the respected art sites, and they have to go and put their artwork in nasty sites like 4chan or rule34 or some of those, because in dA or other sites, they don't accept them. And then their art mix with the porn!! *eeeeeeeeewww* And people who are lucking for true art, don't see it, because we people who look for art and don't like porn, we never got to those kind of sites.

Also, to make this genre of art you need to put a truly huge and deep piece of your soul and mind to do it, and a huge part of your intimacy, and all that only to receive lots of pervert people who say stupid stuff, people who mistake your art with porn, and lots of critics and insults from people who don't know the difference, being mad like if you were drawing porn. Because I must admit, as an artist I know there is a fine line beween these two, clear but fine, so most of people are ignorant  and can't differenciate porn from ecrotic art.

I personally...I think erotic art can be fine and nice if it's done well, and I have nothing against it. And I know I have the skills and the intelligence and the touch to do it and to do it right.
But I just don't think I could take the pressure of people insulting me because of their ignorance and perjudices. And neither the huge charge of loosing some of my dear friends in case that some of my friends don't know the difference between erotic and porn.
Also I would like to work with disney someday, and make comics, books and movies for all the family, so. No .

I just don't think I'm the right person for this kind of work....I must say, in my teens and even a bit of time as a young adult, I always felt so sad about how rejected, and also how bad fame bad artists give to this kind of artwork, when I found something about it by accident, looking for fanart of my favorite cartoons.
And even now...I must admit...I feel sad when I find by chance artist's beautiful artwork of that genre mixed with porn, and people treating it like porn.
Also when people don't do this kind of artwork right, and they give bad fame to this genre of art....cos I think all this it's unfair!
.....But I have fait still, that someday there will arrive a person or group of people, who will do this genre of art in a right way, and will redeem it. But it will not be me.
It will be a person with more intelligence than I, with a more strong heart than I to receiver critics, more cultured than I...and wiser.

I must admit, when I was younger, I discovered this genre of art that it's treated so badly unfairly, and I felt a really bad for it's bad fame due the artist, who sometimes start well but later they became bad and start drawing porn.
And I felt sad of not being me the one to redeem the good name of it....but later I understood that....my characters can't be used for that, cos they have a bigger purpose, a purpose of helping people to see other wonders of the world...to give faith and hope and courage in another areas of life. And I can't use "anonimous" or random characters for that genre of art cos then it would mean nothing.
So some time ago I arrived to the conclusion, helped by a friend of mine who was there always, that this kind of work....sadly it's not for me for these reasons..which it hurts in my soul and it's still, hard to accep. But my characters and stories transmit messages for kids, and teens, and all people in general, that couldn't be transmitted if I decided to do erotic artwork. So at the end I decided to do things for everybody, than only a small group of people.
Even if it hurts me not being able to help to make people understand why they should treat this part of human nature with respect and dignity, and that it's beautiful and natural. It doesnt hurt so much right now...cos I'm very aware my characters have other purposes, to transmit other messages that people need to heard more.
And even if I'm not going to see her or him, I have faith that God will hear my prayers, and sent other person to do this noble labor or teaching people how to treat this part of human nature in the future!"

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