domingo, 9 de noviembre de 2014

That's all I did today!

Hiya there folks!  How are you doing?
Just yesterday in the mid-day I arrived home from the house of one of my classmates, I went there cos me and my classmates were doing a homework project for our drawing class, then I used the rest of the time yesterday to mop the floor and make a math homework I had and I wasn't able to do before because of the other pending homeworks I've  had.

Right now I know I need to take my time to start with the last project I have, that it's to make an animal in "plano seriado" (not sure of how to say that in english..."serial plane"? ) and also an essay of a movie we saw in "Creativity" class.

Funny  thing, all that day today, I wanted to take a bit of time to relax and draw something cool, and I tried! But I don't know why all the ideas I had turned out to not come out in the paper at the end XD So all what I was able to do today have been these little sketches.

These are part of an scene of one of the stories for a comic I was planning to draw with these characters. 

Today I was surfing on the web to see if I could have inspiration to draw, and I saw two comics by chance, one that was awful, and other that was really great, but it was sad to see that after that one comic, the person who made it never come back to do something as amazing as that. Rather, that artist started to draw porn.

So I was kind of sad when I started drawing today, but doing these sketches made me feel better, cos they are something truely cute and warm, and that kind of stuff always make me feel happy no matter how bad the reason for being sad is. :)

I'm not sure if I'm going to finish this scene or not, cos, althought it is loving and tender, I'm realizing that I keep having trouble with facial expressions as the past year. For example here in the 3 and 4 pannels, if you see the expression of him is anything like the one I wanted to draw!
I wanted him to have an expression that transmits he's grateful, happy and amazed cos his girl loves him, but didn't came out...the eyes look like he's a dork XD...or what do you think?

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