So yes, even despite I've received a few of sad news, specially when my pet died. It happens that I keep designing my characters, and struggling to make this story work.
And what about what I commented about my doubts on my skills?" you might wonder. Well, the true it's that since some time ago I had those doubts, and there are people who will always try to make you to have more and more doubts.
Like for example what they say in that episode of the Simpsons I saw once. Where Lisa discovers the author of her favorite book didn't really wrote the book. And then Lisa tells Bart that it is possible for one single people to write a book, but Bart says no, and him and other 5 people get together and try to write a book. In the episode the group writes a book at the end, and lisa doesn't, cos she keeps postponing it.
This episode implies that one single person cannot write a book, but I think that's not true, cos I know a friend of mine who have wrote a book all by her own.
I think Lisa couldn't write, but not cos she doesn't have talent, but just because deep inside she wasn't sure of her own talent to write, so he did lots of things to avoid to write.
With time in my experience, I've discovered that for writing you not only need talent, but also persistence and faith in yourself.
And well it's normal actually, to feel doubts when you're starting an artistic project and you notice there are setbacks, but these are always like "little rocks in the way" so to speak.
But I think they are there to make life more interesting and exciting, and doubts assault you, you just need to try and relax a bit. For example, when you feel stuck in doing an artwork (writing, painting, etc) what I would recommend a lot is to take some time to relax, to do other things. Things like, I don't taking a walk or make a picnic in the park, to go to the beach, play with your pet if you have one, play a cool video game or to watch a good movie, that always helps and makes you feel ready to re-take the story or painting or comic or anything you're doing.

So, yes I'm in this business still, and a few days ago I did this sketch in Sepia. In the up side it's Laura (the main character of this story) as a teenager, and his pet who it's a gecko, and who still doesn't have a name, so you can suggest one.
The other drawing it's Laura as a kid, and that's the scene where she shows the gecko his home, it supposed to be made of glass, and it has some drawings that she glued there to decorate the house, but since she's a kid she draws a bit sloppy.
And no, it's not a Cemetery! XD it supposed to be a drawing of London she made, cos she lives there and she likes the place.
That why I made her live on London? Well...because of the British accent of course! :D ;)
Yeah I know, probably I will never have the chance to released this to tv so voice will be useless, but...but just in case XD
Also in the original story she was British and lived in London, cos I would love to visit London someday.
Here I share the sketch without painting so you can see it is London. There, the tallest building is the Big Ben.
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