sábado, 16 de agosto de 2014

Rest in peace Toby.

Well, it happened that I came back where I always used to post...but just to post Toby's tribute, I thought it was important.

This is a drawing I made for my brother's birthday of Toby, and I post it cos I think it was the perfect tribute to him. Hope you like it, and there's a quote of what I said on that respect this Friday. Toby died this last Thursday.

"Me and my family are sad, cos Toby died yesterday...
He was passing for hard times since November last year's, first cos he was suffering a lot of pain due kidney problems, and later for problem his stomach and intestines. We took him to the vet and he was in treatment....he was injected several times with medicine, and some days it seemed he was recovering, but there were days when he tried to eat, but he felt sick and he vomited...and since he couldn't take the nutrients of what he was eating, even if there were days when he felt good to eat, he lost a huge part of his weight.

And yesterday...yesterday he didn't wanted to eat anything. So I accompanied my brother to take him to the vet, and the vet put Toby a serum injection, 2 times, the vet said it was normal cos ferrets suffer of that when they get old, and there was not much to do, but that maybe with what he gave him he might feel better. But when we came back home, he looked too weak and he didn't eat...and in the night he died. 

Poor Toby....I cannot imagine how much he has been passing for...if just for us was really hard to see him suffering...But now he is in peace now. And I know we are going to miss him a lot...the house isn't the same without him...
But...even if it sounds weird..lI feel great relief knowing he's going to be alright now. No more pain and suffer for him, he now is happy in heaven....he will be better than here. So, this is a little tribute for Toby that I would like to share with you today, I hope you like it.

Toby was a warrior, bold and brave! The vet said he was so strong, that other ferrets would have died long time ago. But he didn't he was there to give us love for 7 years, even when he was old! And he was very healthy actually, he didn't had any poblem, until a year ago. Rest in Peace toby, your soul it's in heaven now!

Today we went to the super market, and also to a vivarium, we bought a lemon tree and we are going to plant the tree and put toby near to it.
Why the tree?...it's just an symbolic thing, you know. Usually people leave flowers, my mom and dad had the idea of planting a tree. I think it's very solemn and warm way to show him that we loved him. "

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