Hi there folks, how you're doing?
Now I'm going to post something that I'm really happy and proud of. It's what I think, one of my best pieces of artwork in a long time, and the one who warms me the heart the most so far! ^^ So, it will be an honor to share it with you :D
It's a fanart of this witty and fun show called "Wander over Yonder". Or as here in mexico was translated as "Galaxia Wander".
A life of an artist it's lonely....I've been feeling a bit like that in these days...and I've realized sometimes the only company you have, it's your artwork. However, art it's a great company I must say, and I've had some good free time to do some great art, the problem it's I have not much time to post it all now, and it was hard to decide. XD
At the end of the day I decided to share with you this piece I started to make it yesterday and finished today, cos I think it's my best painting in years. I was really inspired because of a show, a show I really wanted to give tribute to, cos I think it deserves it.
Some days ago, in July 23 I watched the show for the first time, cos it was there by chance when I turned on the tv, and I wrote my first impressions about them. also I did today I posted it as usual, here is the quote of that:
-------Today I watched the show on tv, on "Disney XD", and it was question of time to realize it was such and fun show!
It reminds me a lot of Foster's home, it's a show full of good humor, with a retro air, a simple yet cool music intro theme, bizarre yet so cute characters, and for what I watched today, it also has some amazing life lessons! And it express them in a simple and fun, witty way! :D It's like a perfect mix between the best of classic retro cartoons, and the best of modern cartoons. It looks like Wander over Yonder it's all what I've wanted or dreamed on a show since Foster's home was cancelled. And well, I think this is natural, it had to be from Craig MacCracken!:D
The episode I saw was Brainstorm/the lonely planet (In Spanish from mexico of course, that's how I watch it on tv) it was called "The lonely planet", and it's one of the most cute and funny things I've seen a long time. The end was truly heartwarming, and I loved the fact that her moon was french! :meow: I also liked how this episode teach you that we can't force someone to be friends, that if it happens, it happens spontaneously.
Some of you know, that I've been passing for some of the most hard moments in my life, when I felt nothing on it comes out well....some events that I'm still struggling to get over from....so since then, everyday in my life it's...it's like a combat for maintain my spirit up, and keeping my kind, positive and cheerful personality....it feels pretty much like the combat you do with a serious disease....it's just a metaphor of course because that's how it feels. I wouldn't tempt my luck.
My sister suggested me that the cure for these situations was to find a character and show to be fan of. Well she told me "be fan of an anime" :XD: but I know what she meant :) So...I don't want to rush to conclusions....but....
think I found that cure today! :D I really have faith on it at least..
So yeah, love Wander over Yonder!! And specially and mostly, I ADORE WANDER!!!! :D Because he reminds me a bit of myself! The kind of person I would like to keep being.
He's funny, kind and caring, curious, cheerful and laid-back, and specially love how he's such an optimist, he's like these kind of people who always tries to find the ray of light in every storm, even if there's none! And this usually makes everybody who is near him to be the best they can be! So that's why, he always struggles to find the good thing in every situation, and so I.
Also I love the contrast between the toughness of Sylvia and the cuteness of wander. It's just so cute and cool how these two are different in many ways, yet they try to help each other and understand each other. And they at the end their good traits complement each other."
So, I was so happy when I watched that episode, that I started to doodle the characters, and one of my doodles later became this, it's to show my love for the show and characters.
And well..since I've already wrote this today, I'll post it as a quote, too. So in the case you have read it in the usual place, don't have to re-read the same here. Also because I really don't like to copy paste, my comments are unique! :)
"And something even more amazing was, that yesterday I watched the episode "The ball/The Bounty", and I must say I felt even more surprised. Cos it's really, really rare for me to watch a new show on random episodes two times....and to like both of episodes!
I watched it I realized with amazement, that this episode was even funnier than the first one I saw! XD
This is for sure the most amazing ant wonderful thing that have been happened to me in a loong long time! Even, I don't want to go to sleep today and for fear to realize it was just a dream in the morning XD
This show haven't failed to give me a smile and make me laugh, with it's humor and surprisingly fun and endearing characters. I love Wander and Yonder, and even I think I like Lord Hater, and Peppers, because they are so funny and with more than one-side personality, and that makes them cute and endearing in some strange, but cool way. It's something I can't explain XD....but I surely like :D
For example in the episode "the bounty" it was really funny that Hater wanted Wander and Sylvia's screams for his song remix, but at the end he used Pepper's ones because...well, I'm trying so hard to not tell you about the episodes, because, spoilers XD
You must see this show NOW though! now! And the episodes I recommend are the ones I've seen; "the lonely planet", "the bounty", "the ball" and "brainstorm". My favorite ones so far are the first ones I mentioned, but the others are worth to see cos they have funny moments.
It's been a long time since I felt this happy, I think my sister and I were right, and all I needed was some cool show to think of, and to love and have fun with.
So this is a representation of how I felt when I knew the show, as I said in my quote of that that, I felt like I was saved somehow. And I think this painting express this feeling very well ^^
The landscape it's something I got in my mind, cos he reminds me a lot these old west heroes, and I think that's cool. It's really cool he plays the banjo too! :D It's one of the instruments that are in my list to play. Oh, and the pose was inspired on the one I saw on a poster, because I liked how he looked so brave and heroic when he rises his banjo up!
I hope you like my style of drawing them, I just thought there was already lost of artist who tried to mimic the show's stlye, so I wanted to do something different, I think it's refreshing :)
It's funny when I was doing the first doodles of the characters, I realized that Sylvia looks a lot like a dinosaur *chuckles* I think that was cool, too.
I thank a lot to Disney, and Craig MacCracken for making this show, so this is a little tribute him and also for all the ones who give life to this show! As well as it is dedicated to the dubbing actors here in mexico, specially to Gabriel Ramos (voice of Wander) who it's so stupendous as Wander. He makes the character sound a lot younger, a lot cheerful and a lot cuter too! <3
Also if there's fans of the show here, this is for you too of course :)
Made in "sketchbook express".
PS: someone from Mexico knows, could you tell me what's the schedule of the show here? I know it is aired on "disney XD" but I don't know when, and today for example, I lost an episode, I saw only the end =P Also if my memory doesn't fail me, Gabriel Ramos was also Ash from Pokemon right? Although I'll always have him in my heart as Wander ^^
oh, and here are the first sketches I made of the characters. I wasn't able to post them before, but I do now :D All them have their dates. And who knows, maybe one or these sketches become new paintings in the future.

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