lunes, 14 de julio de 2014

Estelle figure drawing - For contest.

Hiya folks!
This is a drawing I made of Estelle, one of my original characters. I made this to enter a contest where the main theme was the figure drawing. I chose her because she has become very popular among the artist who admire my work. And I imagined that in case of not being accepted for the contest, it would be cool to to share the drawing for her fans. That are well, only one or two, but they are here and this makes me really happy! Also yes, a friend was right, she said I could add this to my portfolio, and it's true, I can have this as a sample of my artwork :)

And you know what? It looks like I'm a guesser, because I was wasn't selected! And neither the other piece I submitted for the contest. As I told to a dear friend of mine when I realized it wasn't selected:

"I'm a bit disappointed right now, though....I put all my heart in this piece, and also a lot of my time, I ended up with my wrist hurt for the use of the tablet, but even so, two days have passed since I sent this and it hasn't been selected...I think by now it was discarded *sigh*.....
And it would be ok that  if they other who have selected can be dignified competitors, but no! Some of the pieces that have been selected have a poor quality, they look like they were painted by 5 years old kid, and the figure and anatomy it's really poor too. 

I took much care on the digital painting cos to one person the one in charge of the contest said that his digital work was like vomit, and also I took care of doing a good quality anatomy cos their moto it's "excellence in figure drawing"....but all that for what? If they accept drawings of figure drawing (where the pose and good anatomy was the only requirement! It was free theme ) that are cartoony where the anatomy it's atrocious! 

I thought I could win, or at least be selected! cos my art skills have improved, and also my anatomy, and seeing the other works being poorly drawing and lazily painted.....but now I think it's true some of artists from here who participated said some time ago, that maybe this contest it's rigged :( 
You know, I didn't believe that before, but then I haven't seen the contest in a close distance or participated before, this what happens to me now, makes me think a bit that this is true....
It was good I read before participate though, cos their rules said by participating I didn't renounce of my rights to do with my art what I would like, or any rights, so I can at least publish it here and give a bit of joy to people"

Althought as I told her...I don't regret of participating :D
Cos thanks to this I've been able to practice figure drawing, and I've discovered I'm getting better in it.
These are the first sketches I did for this particular project, but I didn't liked the sitting one very much. I liked the other (the blue one) more, so as you can see that was the one I used for the contest at the end. I just added a bit more in the chest part because the character has this body complexion.

And now this is the final result.
Frankly...I didn't like this drawing very much, because as I was in a rush cos I worried the time for submitting getting over, I rushed this honestly. I tried to paint as quickly as I could and the was that I painted too much and ruined the sketch itself. For example, his left arm it's fat in the finished painting but not in the sketch. And in the final result the skin looks like a cut piece of paper I know! XD

Even so I liked the hair and the eyes, and also I'm pleased with the sofa, for that I used lots of reference photos I found on the web, and I found one form that convinced me, and one color that convinced me, not in the same photo, so I combined both of good traits I liked from these two photos and I made this :D
In this case I was able to use Photoshop by moments, cos it doesn't work well since last year; I start to paint and after 20  minutes or some it freezes up, and I have to reboot my computer, which it's really really frustrating cos I lose my process sometimes! But at least had luck to use it for background scene (the wallpaper it's from a Photoshop free pattern) and also for the little details like the flowers. 

The rest of it was made with Sketchbook express, who came with my tablet, cos that really makes the tablet feel soft, and even if it doesn't have pressure sensitivity like SAI for example ( I can't use SAI in this computer cos I have windows 8, it doesn't work :( ) for me it's the best I can get for the moment! Cos it works really well and doesn't get stuck when I'm working :D

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