domingo, 13 de julio de 2014

Sidera Final.

Hi there folks! 
Today I would like to post a drawing that it's the finished result of a drawing I talked on Sidera l'aventuriere Galactique. It was originally posted on July 8th of this year, so the earthquake was at that day.
Oh and for those who wonder, no this is not a photomanip, it's a painting! It was all made by hand in photoshop, and for the glasses I used as reference many glasses photos. The suit was my own design, I imagined it that way, it was part of my rendition to the character :) The Original Link
Hope you like the drawing! 

"Yesterday there was an earthquake here in Chiapas, but don't worry, I'm ok as well as my family in this city where I live there was only a small one, the bigger one was in another part of Chiapas. We just got scared a bit and woke up at early morning, and that was all. Thanks a lot to these good friends who worried about me and toolan68 was the only one who sent me a message to know if I was ok, and I would like him to know I appreciate it!

Some days ago my brother brought another kitty he found in the street, but it's weird this time my brother haven't had much interest on taking care of it,  so me, my sister and my mom are taking care of it, cos nobody had wanted to adopt him yet.
Although we haven't bathe to take the fleas away of him yet, cos it's sick (because my brother left him out there in the rain) and my mom says it's not convenient to bathe him.  So it's inside of the house.

Oh and other thing that happened recently, it was that we went to the "anime and entertainment" expo that was last Sunday. There "entertainment" means videogames and cartoons too, so I went to see if there was a good videogame to buy or some cool stuff from Reboot or other cartoon shows I like.
I know reboot isn't popular, as well as lots of cartoons I like, but well as we say in mexico "hope dies at last".  Although it happened there wasn't much stuff to see, also it was too hot in there because of the crowd of people, and my sister and mom didn't liked the heat, so we only stayed a while and then went back home. 
  I wanted to go dressed in a steampunk style when I found out that about the convention, but I lacked of lots of stuff, like the googles, the hat, and boots, and other stuff I needed. I only had a vest that my sister was going to borrow me, and a white blouse,  and shoes, so I decided to go as a pirate (although without the boots)  but nobody payed attention to me. XD So I was like any other people.

Next time I hope I can prepare to go as Dot Matrix, for the ones who doesn't know reboot so they know, and then I'll post photos I think.
The funniest thing about this thought, I had no interest on cosplay for almost a lifetime XD Also because I'm shyyyyyyyyyyyy * CHUCKLES* But I see my sister and other people (for example my friends or friends of my siblings) go so proud and happy with their cosplays to events like that one, and I think I like it now *chuckles*

So here is this drawing of "Sidera the space wanderer" I made for him to thank him for the amazing giftart he haven drawn for me! ^^ And also for his birthday, even if a bit late heheh.
I wanted to give my take to the character of Julien Neel from the series/comic Lou, cos nobody has made Lou's mom as Sidera, even here on dA,  (other than tolan and I of course) and added my own style to it  I added a couple of detais to her outift to give the pic a retro look, cos I was thinking of one of those black and white retro pinups, I like a lot this kind of portraits!

The first day I was painting this on photoshop at first, but then my photoshop started to freeze and it stayed like that for all the afternoon. Then I tried it again, and my photoshop got stuck again, probably it was cos my computer has Windows 8 (before I had a computer with windows XP and it worked well on it. So I stopped using it.  And instead finished the drawing with "Sketch book Express" as the other drawings I've been doing since I had to change of computer.

The drawing was oirignally in color, but as my photoshop crashed and didn't left me paint more (and ruined the colors because of the slow painting! ) at the end I made it in black an white, and it happened it was better, cos this looks more retro, and more elegant."

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