lunes, 21 de julio de 2014

Poses with Ukulele - doodles.

Have ever happened to you that you can't draw anything what it is on your mind?
Well, this happens to me in these days, specially since last well, and this week too.
..I've been trying to draw stuff but none of what I have in my mind....I feel nostalgic and melancholic for moments...and I just realized why...
It's because I still miss a person...A person I met back in the end of November last year. And who well, later in December, gone away....and I haven't seen him again since then.
And I don't know why  I write this if it's too personal...
I just...Write it here I think,'s too much pain for me and it's tearing me out...and I'm not sure of how to get rid of make it go away...

And I know very well that if I tell about this to my family or friends how I feel, they would  just say that the best for me it's to forget that and continue with my life, or that "he was a jerk" or stuff like that...
And I don't know...maybe the "best for me" it's to forget....Maybe it is better for me to think this was just a dream I had...But...even so...EVEN SO! I feel like there's something MORE about this...Something great...I know it was real!....what I felt, what I read, what I heard :D...what happened!...And I feel in my heart it is important to remember him!

Sometimes I wonder...why such heartbreaking thing happened to me if I'm not a bad person..I refer to the fact  he's gone at the end of course...and most important, I wonder how the hell people do this of "forget and continue".. how to forget a person who has given you too much??!!...who has marked you deep inside your soul and mind in a good way...Someone who you felt an important part of yourself since the first time you met them, how....How people do this, how they can live after that?!!....

I wonder!...Because I see the days pass and pass and pass and I stil remember him, as much as I did 6 months ago. I miss how fun it was to laugh and giggle with him when he said jokes, cos he had a great  and original sense of humor.  I miss to talk about photography and art....I miss reading his notes of him talking about his philosophy of life, I miss how he constructed his phrases and..his methaphors!
He used to love talk in methaphors just like I do! And his methaphors were truly amazing, and clear and wonderful! And accurate to what he wanted to say!!

For example, when we met and I gave him my friendship, he said...he said he felt like a kid to whom someone just gave a box of chocolates...Heheh, and it was really amazing! You know why?...Cos I felt like that too....
I would love to post a quote, so you could see how deep his comments where...but I'm not sure of what he would think about it *shy giggles* since that was something he personally said to me....

But yes, as I was saying. I felt like that exactly when I met him...but his phrase was impressive for me, not only cos I was feeling the same thing he felt...but also cos he was able to explain it better! :D Probably better than I would ever do.
And I never had the opportunity to tell him....that I loved his metaphors, that I actually have a soft spot for metaphors, like him, and that when I use them they are usually accurate and help people to understand what I want to express, like his metaphors do...I hope someday I can have the chance to tell him this.....

But you know....I'm starting to feel I shouldn't keep talking about this, In part cos I know I might make some people I love feel a bit bad. And in part just because...this is quite a personal thing...
I'm not sure if I need to leave the past things, in the past where they belong, so I can continue with my life, and find the reason why I've been born in this place...For some reason I feel that I don't need to forget....I feel I rather need to remember him for the good I'll try! Writting here about the good moments helps a lot to feel better :)

So, yeah as I was saying, of all what I wanted to draw yesterday, and today, I couldn't do nothing.
I only made these rough doodles you can see here XD Because one of my characters loves music, and it's going to like to play the ukulele. So I did these doodles cos I wanted  to see more or less what kind of poses people would do when playing an ukulele, For this I took reference on photos of people playing, and also a video where Naveen from disney's movie plays it, too.

Why the ukulele?....that will be another story I think. Cos now I'm too tired and I need to work tomorrow, so I'm going to sleep XD

Today I worked a lot and the day went out fast. I feel better now though,  writting this has given me a bit or solace in my heart...cos I no longer have  headache like the other day. Also cos I made a couple of comments to a couple of friends on my favorite art community, and talked with one of my my best friends about her artwork. Doing stuff like this always makes me feel happy :)

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