martes, 23 de diciembre de 2014

Incomic Comic - Frist WIP

Hiya there folks!
Today I'd like to share something probably not much people know, it's that in 2013 I was working on a project with a friend of mine, a talented, creative, and a cool person! For this project he writes and I draw :D

So here I'd love that you see a WIP about it, and also to thank him letting me to work on this comic (because the story it's of his own)  and make one of my bigest dreams come true; to work on an art and enternaintment project with a talented and cool artists!

Because of my classes in College sadly I haven't been able to continue with this comic as much I wanted too, but I'm still working on it whenever I have the change, and I hope that for the end of 2015 I can be able to finish at least the first part of it. It's going to be in black and white and a bit sketchy because my friend liked it this way, he says that sketchy looks cool, so I'm going to take his word for that :)
Sketch made on November 11, 2013

Right now I cannot give much info about it, of course cos it's going to be a surprise. But yeah this comic it's going to be a fantasy-sci-fi  story with a Wizzard, a Phoenix, and other cool stuff I bet you'll like!
And I have to say the story it's one of the most original ones I've seen, despite what people would think about fantasy stories, its not cliclé at all.  And it will have a bit of both sci-fi and fantasy.

I'm also working on 2 on my own stories by the way, one o them, I mentioned it in My gecko and I. So, God willing,  there will be great things soon in this blog folks!

domingo, 14 de diciembre de 2014

A bit of his artwork!

Hi there everybody!
This is an entry I started to write a Friday, 9 May of this year, but I just wasn't able to finish it, until now. So I would like to post it today I have a bit of a time. Obviously, it's not a quote cos it's an article that it's been just in process to be written. But just so you know the date of start :)

Also I come here to talk about him because the few friends I have are already tired of listening to me to talk about him and how cool he and his artwork were! XD I've realized it, how some of them say "Oh I'm going to go to a meeting I gotta go!" but they don't, they actually are just running off from me because they are tired to hear me talking about him XD
One can feels when someone says something for truth or when they're jus cutting you off because they aren't interested on what you're talking about...but in this case...well, I understand them.
They didn't know him, it's normal they are not interested...but now I realize how I've made them tired, I feel a bit bad! *SHY GIGGLES* So I no longer do it XD I better come here ;)
Although not all people friends were like this! I thank a lot to my dear friend Jame cos she was really nice with me all this time! She understands me and she is always willing to listen what I'd like to say! And for me that it's priceless! ^^

Well, some time ago, I was searching the web some photos for doing some drawings, after having finished some art I was doing of a character of mine. And don't imagine what I found, a few of the Photo-manipulations that my friend did! 
So Imagine my surprise! I was so happy because now I can share this with you, now you can see finally some of his work!!! It's such a great honor and joy to have found this and share. Specially because it's interesting not only to see his artwork, but specially his phrases that are always so elegant, and his great great humor! ^-^

Hehe, probably you have no idea of what I'm talking about, sorry! *chuckles*
I'm talking about an amazing artist and person, a really dear friend I had and I haven't seen in a pretty good time, and I really would like to see again.  The same I've talked about a bit HERE.
And I know probably some people who comes to read this blog (if someone ever does XD ) is going to think "Again with that?" "is not worth to remember if a person doesn't make efforts to contact you", or "if it's been to much time you haven't seen this person, why not just forget all?" etc etc etc ...well, because it's my life!!! :)
 Plus I'm not who to judge. And think other people should not do it either.

I know nobody is going undersand this, because nobody knew him as much as I got to know him...
Our bonding was special...but it is also a very personal thing, which if I talk of, I know it would be like ...bringing lots of tourists to a inmaculated water spring or a virgin beach. 
And what they are going to do? They will go and pollute it throwing trash all over the place, step on the coral's reef destroying it (in the case of beach's methaphor) they're going to cut down the trees and make animals go extint. 
With or without intention, but they will do it. And then the place would be ruined and will no longer be meaningful.

So I don't expect you to understand, and thus I'm going to bother to say what happened or why I keep reminding him either.... plus nobody reads this blog XD 
Actually, this is  mostly just a public-private journal I do for myself *chuckles*
I call it this way because, even if it seems to be "public" actually I know that who would come here doesn't really know who I am.  And the ones who do, who have got to know me for real, to know more where I live or what I do in the mornings, are only a couple of friends of mine. And I know if they decide to visit me and I can met them in person, they will not make mention of this site to the people of my town. They know that what they read in this blog stays in this blog, and in their minds and hearts too of course :)

I just would like to talk you about this dear friend of mine, but no with sadness, but with joy.
Cos as I said it at my dA (that now I don't use it very much but well...) I would really like to honor one of the traits he saw in me and nobody saw, and that he loved and admired. It's that I always try to see the positive side of things, and be strong no matter what. So I struggle to do this, and I'll try to be in peace with the hope one day he will come back, and we will hang out together again...and I will be able to  tell him what I haven't been able to tell him.

   A bit of his great artwork!

There's something I've always wanted to tell him and I never had the opportunity to; that I always liked this joy the vivid colors gave to his work. I was gladly surprised to read this, cos like him, I also like a lot to use vivid colors in my work!
I loved how he described why when he said "Car j'aime ce côté magie colorée et explosive" , cos it was very well explained!

As a comment, for what I've seen, it seems to be a very cool forum, maybe I might join someday...I don't know, I usually don't have time for forums XD
Well, Here I post this beautiful intro that he himself wrote when he showed his artwork in this forum called "graphistes world". The topic was Gale-riz de galoubet , it makes me giggle this tittle, I think it was clever and funny at the same time.
It brings me nostalgia and a bit of remember how all his other art dissapeared....But these are the last vestiges I've seen from this extraordinary person and artist, so it means a lot for me to tell you about this!
I kept the format of the text when quoiting it, so you can see that how it's very neat, very well organized, that's one of the things that I loved a lot of him.
Also, notice he only posted his images there on that topic, cos he cared of posting it only in one place so to not spread his stuff through all the forum. This makes me happy too, cos I am organized like that too, if I would go to a forum to posting my stuff, that's exactly what I would have done too! 

Bonjour à tous.

I* Intro :
Alors premièrement j'utiliserais uniquement ce poste pour publier mes images pour éviter de poster abusivement et ne pas étaler les images dans toute la section.

Je suis sous DA c'est eux qui me servent d'hébergement et j'espère que ça ne pose aucuns problèmes.

II* Qui suis-je :
A mon sujet, je suis dans la photo-manipulations depuis 8 mois activement ce qui veut dire que je suis en contacte avec PS depuis un bon nombre d'années mais que je m'en servais uniquement pour jouer et rien de concret et d'ici peu je me suis mis à 3D avec Blender x64 ver2.62.

III* Mon travail :

Mon style graphique va chercher dans plusieurs types facilement notables qui pour les décors en nature sont des couleurs très accentués. Car j'aime ce côté magie colorée et explosive.

Pour ce qui est des mis en scène avec un personnage ou autre, c'est la dérision que je cherche, donner un autre sens.
Et donc outre l'aspect visuel j’essaie de faire passer une pensé à travers mes images .

Puis le projet libre, ça c'est quand j'ai la flemme d'avancer mon travaille et tout ce que je souhaite c'est une image qui fasse jolie pour me rappeler que je sais encore faire quelque chose des mes dix doigts very-happy.gif

Et dernier point qui m'amuse beaucoup, mettre sur image des phénomènes qui ne peuvent exister dans la vie réelle, comme le dit mon frangin.. "Je vends du rêve" Comme quoi il avait tout faux..Personnes ne m'a jamais payés..Pff.. 
(Oh le jolie copié/collé !)

IV* Point de vue : 

Cette galerie sera édité au fil du temps de manière à ce que vous puissiez y jeter un coup d’œil.

Je n'ai pas la prétention de me considérer comme une personne très doué et je sais que j'ai ÉNORMÉMENT de connaissances à acquérir et que mon travail reste par mon expérience assez brouillon.

J'ai toujours avancé en autodidacte et c'est pourquoi j'aimerais vos avis pour savoir quelles mauvaises habitudes j'ai pris pour apprendre à les rectifier avec le temps .

Ma plus grande tare est sûrement de n'avoir aucuns vrai stock quand je monte une création c'est toujours avec la pioche et la pelle..

Les images sont des plus récentes au plus anciennes par chaque catégorie.

Merci de prendre de votre temps pour venir ici et soyez indulgents, s'il vous plaît !

My comments 

Well, first of all I must say, I was very surprised when I read this intro, cos I found out that the way I do my art it's pretty much like he describes it here, heheh.
For example, I also have this kind of artwork that he calls project libre.
You know, when you're uninspired for continuing with a work, to finish it the way you wanted, and then you "loose" a bit and do other thing that is just for fun, to remember yourself that you can do something good with "your ten fingers" as he said, ehehh. I really liked that expression ^^

It always amazes me how these kind of projects, the ones when you relax more, are the ones that come out better, and people usually like them a lot more than the ones that you stress to realize in a more "formal way" so to speak.
I think it's because you usually have fun the most with the "sketchy" works, and that is transmitted to people :D Also, I loved the fact he is very modest, and always tries to improve himself in the art, and also as a person in every day life, in general.

Also I loved this expression of "Je vends du rêve" and what he meant with it. Since I do to, love to create things that you don't normally find in real life. New adventures!...Things that could make people dream! :3
And even if people say in these comments that he wrote "a wall", I know why they say this. It's just that people don't like to read...and later they wonder why they don't have a cool vocabulary and why they aren't elegant when talking XD 
But I do like to read though. Specially what he likes to say! Cos he's got an amazing way of writting that it's just so fun and cool, and also warm! It makes you feel you're not behind a computer when reading. But you're talking with him in person :) Also his comments are always very well thought.

About the art, well I think these two people who replied him have given him good advices. It's evident that some of the photomanip pieces needed a bit of more work on how they are merged together, and in a couple of them the colors are a bit "too bright"....But he was a "newbie" at that time. He was just trying to find his own style.
So at that time the important thing wasn't the "technic" in my opinion. But the most important thing, and what called my attention met most, was that at the time when he posted this, he already han an idea of what he wanted to do; he wanted to create fantastic and new worlds, worlds nobody had seen before! And that, it's priceless! ^^ It's something I look for when I make art too.

Probably some years later (for example now or the next year) he himself will see some of his old works and will say to himself "Wuut?....What the hell I was thinking when I did this?!" *chuckles* Because that's a normal thing to say for an artist that evolves. Even...I myself think this of many of my works when I was a "newbie" in drawing! XD
But even so, I cherish my old works a lot, as well as the new ones, cos they bring me good memories from when I made them!

I hope one day he comes back with lots of new pieces of artwork...I really do!!...
And I know for a fact, that when he comes back, if he does, these pieces will look so small compared to the glory of the new ones.
But I show these to you cos I think it's cute and cool to see how an artist evolves. I've always loved to see the words of artists since the first ones to the most recent ones. It's just so interesting to know how an artist find their own style, how they make it come out of their hearts and shine!
One friend I have for example, always says as a joke "don't comment on my old work cos its horrible!!" but it isn't an horrible work. It's a part of the artist and it has a meaning!

Oh and also I really liked when he said that being a self-taught learner, he needed advice to know what were the "bad habits" so he could rectify on time. Cos I know how I feels, I also am a self-taught learner in art, and a lot of other things. So I appreciate the advice cos I don't want to get "bad habits" on stuff I learn, specialy about learning languages.

Here are the links that talk about his artwork, in the case you can see his other topics, it's very interesting see his work and his evolution as an artist..and specially reading what he has to say! ^^ I've always loved the way he constructs his phases, his use of the words is amazing!

Creations de Galoubet 
In this one page, obviously you can see that he's the one with the name of "invitè".

 Galeriz de Galoubet
While in this one (the one where the quote is from) he has his usual nickname.

I know one day he will come back, and we will share lots of cool stuff and hang out together! And he will always best friend ever!....
Go check it out! In both of the pages his comments are fun and cool to read!

domingo, 16 de noviembre de 2014

For those days there are friends!

It seems, no matter how much value I have or how much heart I give, nobody cares about what happens to me...or my art, or the fact I'm still struggling to learn french the best I can even if it seems I CAN'T... 
But I'm sure if I was a famous celebrity they would! They would care just because I'd be famous, not because of what kind of person I am.
I've noticed, people on the internet usually pays attention and give their admiration to famous people just cos they're popular, even if they are jerks. Even when they don't have any goodness in their mind and heart.

Although the advantage of not being famous it's that you can have your privacy and live a life without worrying of people constantly critizicing you and bothering you for every little thing you do or you don't do. And as some pleople have told me, at least I have "a bread in my plate and a ceiling over my head"
So here...that's a thing that give me solace *sigh*....

But what if I don't want only that...what if I don't want "to live more or less" "to eat more or less" , WHAT IF I DON'T WANT JUST TO SURVIVE!! ....What if I want my life to be extraordinary!... Stunning! Incredible! Totally amazing!!
...what if I want more umh?
How I can earn that?.... HOW?!!! If I work hard everyday and try to do my best and I get NOTHING! No improvement.

Sorry...I know I have a little time to talk and I should talk about cool's just...
I feel a bit sad today because, no matter how much I struggle, or how much effort I put into things. There are days when I feel like my life isn't at all as I would have I would have imagined...

For example, my sister broke up with her boyfriend (because he was a jerk with her) and my mom bought her clothes shoes and glasses that look cool. And he is comforting her and all that stuff. But not me.
And when I broke up with my very first boyfriend, who was such an amazing person! And for reasons that were out of my mom wasn't there, and my dad just got so mad at me and said "you shouldn't talk with people on the internet" and insolated me from my friends for months...I lost my job...I lost everything the few things I had....
And what I had to do on that ocassion swallow all my pain and desperation, and to work hard to  make my life a bit stable again, since I lost all what I had...and I had to cope with my feelings all alone!!...because I had no one who I felt I could trust to talk about it...

And that all about my parents buying stuff and stuff to my sister and comforting her but not me, is just a "friendly reminder" (sarcastic, obviously, cos it is a painful reminder, it rubs off on my face) that tells me I have no money for that kind of stuff ...That tells me I'm poor and I have no help at all to improve that....and something more sad....that they don't really think I'm or I'll be a worthy human being and a succesful person...

And there's another reminder of that:
When I come all excited to tell my mom my plans for the future (like yesterday) of formally studying french...of continuing working hard and then saving to go to some french town as a student, to learn the language, the culture,  to open my mind to a new perspective of the world. She says I should worry about my school first, that I SHOULDN'T "dream that high" cos nothing of that will ever become true....

Also today has been a very exhasuting day for me, not just because of the homework or due the reminders of me being  a looser. But cos I've been trying to buy new shoes to replace my old shoes, co the ones I have are too old and look pretty much like if I had taken them up from the the dumb XD But I haven't had the opportunity to find ones that fit me well because the times I've went to shoe stores, there are no shoes of my size cos I seems have a too tiny feet =P

Plus I'm feeling worse because I've realized that probably I'll not be able to keep being in school soon, cos there's not enough money for my materials, material for school works.
And the school absors much of the time I should be using for my work. So last week I had a couple of problems with some work that wasn't done on time.  I know that  my priority should be my work and not my school cos my work it's what gives me to eat and pay my school but....Sometimes I feel I can't do both things at the same time!! ....
I fear that soon happens that I'd...have to leave my school unfinished....for the second time....for the same reason.

Folks...You know I usually feel lucky, cos I always appreciate what I do have, and I always struggle to try to see the positive side on things that happens and try to not think on the things I don't have. 
So I usually feel like a strong and bold person, with an indomitable a passionate spirit who loves french and art and a lot other stuff that it's amazing and worthy! 
A dreamer who can do great things and whose limits are her own imagination! And since my imagination has no limits (at least not as I know so far ;) *chuckles* ) then I figure out that my posibilities of creating new amazing and worthy things have no limits too.

But there are also days like these, when things like what I mentioned happens, that make me feel like I am s***!!!!
That I'm worthless...
That I'm just an tiny and insignificant girl who was called crazy sometimes, because of her ideas and dreams, a person whom nobody cares of. Whose dreams will never come true and whose ideas and messages she would like to share in her artwork with the world will never be seen!

...But for those days, there are friends!
Today I got a free moment I came to dA "with the tail between the legs" (like a popular mexican saying) feeling defeating...helpless...weak...insignificant...
But then I went to visit my own artwork and I read the beautiful and heartwarming comments my friends have done for me on some of my pieces, some time ago, and that was enough to make me feel strong again. Now I feel again it's worth living! :')

Friends are here to share the good and bad moments, to cry and laugh and have fun together, to help and support each other, and to take away from each other's heart the sadness and the feeling of being defeated in the most sad or bad moments!
And the fact that the comments my friends have done for me here, some time ago, still make me feel powerful and faithful when I need it the most, even,  that is truly a miracle! ^^
So that's why I wanted to write about it today, to give you my friends a huge warm hug and a thank you! And let you know I always think about you guys ^^

Ah oh, and last but not least, other things I would like to say:

One it's that I'm going to paint one of my art pieces as a vector to practice with Illustrator (we already did in school a bussiness card and a logo, and printed them, it was cool :) ) but I'm not sure of what of my pieces to post, so if you would like to give me a suggestion, I'll be more than glad to hear it! :D See my pieces (on the site I used to post my work) and tell me what do you think it might be good for that work, or what would you like to see painted in Illustrator.

The second thing it's very important, I'm very concerned because there's no enough money for my school's homeworks and projets materials, So I thought to ask a bit of help, like I've seen other artist doing it.

Although I DO NOT like to go and say "help me please" and to ask people to give me their money for free, for not doing anything, like I've seen other artist have done. 
Cos I've always been used to receive money for work, for things I do, when I earn it. I was raised that way, I was taught to only accept money for a work done XD
Thus it would be SO embarassing for me to accept money as charity! *SHY GIGGLES*
So, that's why I had a better idea, to try and organize my time to take comissions again, specially sketches and colored sketches. Cos these are all I might be able to do in these times I think.

So...I'm taking comissions again folks :D
Please if someday some of you have liked my art, now it's time to show your support! 
If you would like to help me to get more money to keep being in school, I truly would appreciate it!
In case you would like that I draw something for you, see my journal about comissions ( for more info.
And let me tell you, there are a couple of simple rules, but excepting for that, there's no problem.
I can draw whatever your imagination comes up with, remember; for the imagination there's no limits!  :D

lunes, 10 de noviembre de 2014

An Unimaginary story (Chapter 2)

Hiya there folks! 
Today I'd like to share a fanfic I made about the cartoon show Foster's Home for Imaginary friends, I hope you like it.

To setting the story: She's was kind girl, fan of many TV shows, but specially Foster's home, which accidentally fall into Foster's world, a place in which she has no home or family, and she has to learn to earn a living, so she was looking for a job when she meets Wilt and the rest of foster's gang by chance, and they takes her to Foster's, and Madame Foster offered her a place to spend the night. This part of the story refers to the first night of Atrix at Foster's Home, when Madame Foster give her a room, and she says she will sleep on a mat and gives the bed to Wilt, and you know, after many apologies he accepts.

"An unimaginable story" Chapter2 : A very sweet Night

She walked through the corridors of the mansion, recognizing the place with every step while walking, and the house was very different from what she had imagined when I used to watch the show; She looked around and upward, noticing that the place looked more and more like an ancient art museum, albeit without any paint, just like it seemed to her when she arrived this afternoon. She was looking for the room she knew was Wilt, Coco, Bloo and Eduardo's bedroom, because she wanted to thank the guys for taking her to Foster's, especially to Wilt, and when she came there, she tried to pass casually, because was supposed she didn't know where are the rooms. She found Wilt humming a song, and she couldn't help giggled a bit, he looked very relaxed and he was getting ready to sleep, but when she saw him there, putting his shoes in his locker, knowing he would have to sleep on the cold floor tonight, she felt really sad, and she couldn't help telling him:

- Wilt…B...But you have no bed to sleep!!

Wilt turned to her and asked with a evident expression of surprise.

- Uh!...Sorry but....What??!!?

- Uhmmm...I mean, it seems you don't have a bed...

- Uhm…Well…Yeah it's true but, don't worry about that! I'm Ok! Really!!

- But the floor is hard and cold and it's nothing good for you, especially because you got asthma!!

He looked a bit confused and said:

- Asthma??!

She realizes she shouldn't say that, and then she quickly says:

- I...I mean, if you keep sleeping there you'll get asthma.

Why don't you come to my room and sleep with me...

Then he felt as strange sensation, like if he had swallowed a lot of butterflies, her knees trembled and her face reflected a faint crimson.

- I mean, not with me in my bed, but it my bed!…I mean, not my bed, but the bed Madame Foster gave me… I will gladly give you the bed! You can sleep there!, really!!!!

That last thing left him more impressed. “Oh boy!” he thought, when he realized she was genuinely concerned about him, and something deep within him was telling him to accept her kind gesture.

- Sorry but….I’m sorry but, I can’t accept that. If I sleep in your bed….Where do you will sleep then?

- Oh, don't worry! I could sleep on a mat.

and she smiled very sweetly.

- I'm sorry don't know me!...w...why do you want....

- but I would like to!!! Said her with great excitement.

- ....Really??!!!
And Wilt opened a lot his eyes in amazement.

- YES!!!!!

He was really impressed. Specially by the way she said "yes". So sure, so heartfelt, so genuine. No one ever asked him why he had no bed before, or even had offered to find one for him...and then he met this total stranger who wanted to give a place to sleep!...her place!....the bed that she was received just that day!! Without hesitation!!! He didn't understand why her kind gesture, but he was so touched by such a noble action, so he thought it for a second, then he smiled and said:

- Oh...well...Ok! If you would like…

She was so excited when she said “ Then, COME ON!!!” that she even didn't wait until he finished his sentence, she took his hand gently and took him to the room proudly, carefully, like if he was the most precious thing in the universe, because for her, he was. 
She was looked for a mat while he lay in bed and he smiled to realize that the bed was a little longer, and at that moment she ended up preparing the mat and turned around to see Wilt...and when she saw him smiling she was amazed to see that his smile was incredibly beautiful and amazing, even more than in the show, where she usually could see him through tv....but then she tried to turn away and look to other place, cos she thought Wilt could realize she was so amazed and excited; she knew she couldn't tell to anybody where she came from, because it could be too much to them and might scaring them or something. "It's supposed that I don't know him! If he sees I'm amazed or excited he could found it so weird!!" she thought.

But no matter how much she tried, she just couldn't hide her amazement, her joy...or her ineffable was so overwhelming that she felt her heart beat so fast that it could get out by her throat, by her nose or somewhere else; just look at him left her breathless, and she couldn't hide a really big glowing smile when she saw him lying there, smiling and relaxing in his classic pose, with the arm behind the neck, as he did in the episode "Room With a Feud" and she realized he already had a bed to sleep...well at least for now...

She felt invaded by a great excitement and glee, and although she knew she needed to look to another way because she couldn't hide his excitement, she couldn't stop looking at him, she couldn't stop to contemplate him in all his splendor; his smooth red skin, now real and palpable, his wonderful and sexy smile, his shiny and beautiful eyes, his sweet and warm expression, his cute little lobes, his so awesome and athletic figure...until she saw in his face a obvious gesture of surprise, then she turned her gaze to somewhere else, a little blushed again. 

Wilt was so overwhelmed by that so sweet way she looked at him, and that made him blushing too, and indeed, as he's so perceptive, he actually noticed something weird was happening, but he said nothing...So she just turned the lights off, and lied on the mat, and prepared to sleep quietly at his side.

She was making a superhuman effort to try to sleep, but she couldn't sleep!! Sleep doesn't came to her for the thrill of being so close to Wilt, she was so excited that she was breathless, and she just couldn't wait until tomorrow to talk with him, she had so many questions to ask him!! like what is his favorite food or his favorite color, or why he always wear his socks on and he didn't leave his bare feet to see if they are so cool and so awesome.... she just wanted to say his feet are so cool and awesome and his hands too! with those "suction cups" as she read it from his great and tenacious fanbase ....she wanted to talk with him about his innumerable fans!! And tell him that in the place where she comes from, there was a TV show about him and everybody in Foster's Home, and there were a lot of people who really loved, respected and admired him!

 She wanted to tell him that the cannibal ghost who they believed they had caught was actually Bloo, or to ask him what happened that day with all those jellyfish...She just wanted to tell him he's truly awesome dancing or playing basketball, that he looks really awesome and snazzy in a formal suit, that she loves a lot how long his legs are and she just loves the masterful way in which he played the keyboard and his beautiful voice, she wanted to say him she's his most ardent fan!...and she loved him, SHE LOVES HIM TRULY, deeply, with all her heart! with all the force of her soul!!! For his cozy and warm personality, for his heart of gold, for his cheery and brave spirit!...But she couldn't!! She couldn't!!!

"I can't!!! I can't!!! I can't!!! I CAN'T!!!!!" She was repeating that herself again and again, lying in the mat, trying to calm herself down a bit, waiting for calm, hopping to sleep....and suddenly she heard a sweet and gentle voice, that made her shudder with excitement!!...It was him! And he wasn't asleep yet!

I'm sorry but, are you Ok? asked him with genuine concern for his new friend.

- Uh….oh, Yeah! I’m fine!

- Are you sure?....You look a bit nervous, do you had a nightmare?..

She giggled a bit, she was really amazed to notice he cared about her, and thought: "OH MY GOODNESS!!! It's him!!!! is really him!!! That's the wilt I know!!!!!!" and She just said:

Ohh no no! I'm fine yeah!!

- Uhmm..

Then he returned to lay his head on the pillow and stared at the ceiling, while he said:

-Sorry for take your bed…Do you want another pillow?

She stands a little above the floor to see him and says again with a big smile:

-Don't worry Wilt!, I'm ok here!!! Really?!!

-Great! - He said finally, although not very satisfied - ….but if you want I can go to my room...if you change your mind just tell me ok!!

- I will tell you, Ok.

Oh! – He lifted his torso from the bed to look at her, suddenly remembering something - and I warn you sometimes I talk in my sleep!....

She looked at him very sweetly and smiled. She couldn't help but giggle a little again, and she thought for herself "I know it my dear, I know…and that’s SO CUTEE!!!!"

- Come on! don't said that!! I'm so glad you're here!!!


- Yes of course!! – the she got up from the mat, moved by a strange impulse - Come on Wilt!!! You always care about everybody!!!! Please! Just for one time accept....

And she did not finish his sentence, because he saw Wilt opened his eyes a lot and made a expression of overwhelming amazement. It was almost like he was saying "Ohh dear!...You know me!!!!" But the strange thing was that he didn’t look freaked out, but very excited, just like someone who makes a fortunate and unexpected discovery, and he was.

Then their eyes met, and suddenly the two were stared at each other, trapped by a powerful, beautiful, almost magical force. His eyes glittered more intensely with the moonlight, like two drops of dew hanging from a spider web, and they were much more beautiful...She didn't know if it was by the moonlight reflected through the open window, or just for the surprise ...but he looked incredibly handsome and dashing, his face reflected compassion and tenderness, and his majestic skin looked like velvet caressed by the moonlight.

She realized she shouldn't say that, and only said:

-- Just sleep! I'm ok!...Really...

And she smiled again and put her thumb up, emulating his classic sign she loved a lot...only to remember that she shouldn't do that either, but she thought "well, anyone can make that sign...but NO ONE makes it so great as him!!! That's for sure!!!"

Wilt smiled too and said: - Ok!

And the two returned to lay his head on the pillow

Wilt was thinking about the way she looked at him, and what would be the reason why she had offered her bed to him, or why she was so excited and glad to meet him, but mostly, he wondered why she admired him so much! he felt she loved him, and she already knew him, but he didn't wanted to say anything, in part because he thought maybe it was just his imagination...and thinking about it after a while he fell asleep.

But she couldn't sleep. She couldn’t believe it! Her long-awaited, almost impossible change to meet Wilt was there, and it was real! “Oh my oh my oh my!!!” she thought. She still couldn't contain her excitement, she wanted to scream, she wanted to dance, she wanted to sing, wanted to jump by excitement!!!; she wanted to give 1000 laps running around the home, like Peanut Butter, Wilt and the other buddies did in "Room with a feud", to see if after that, she could finally get to sleep!!....She se was dying to get out of the mat and jump on him, and kiss him and caress and hold him lovingly, to tell him she loved him so deeply, and give him kisses all over his spectacular anatomy, with tenderness and passion, and make him hers right there...but she couldn't!!! So, she was just here, rubbing his face with his hands, filled with pure joy, shuddering excitement and desire, while she thought of that.

But she knew she needed to calm down herself a little to get sleep, so she tried to breathe deeply, then she got out of the mat, thinking to go to the kitchen to drink something that help to calm her down a bit...but when she saw him there, sleeping peacefully, she couldn't avoid getting closer to the bed and sit on one edge to contemplate him sleeping quietly, in all his splendor, he was so adorable, so awesome, so majestic, so incredibly real!! as the REAL being of flesh and blood he already was!!!... “oh my! even when he's asleep he's so adorable and so awesome!” She thought.

She was approached a little more and she heard his breathing, she saw his belly moving while he was breathing. She knew She shouldn't do it because it might wake him up, but she couldn't avoid gently stroking his arm and give him a small and tender kiss on one of his cute little lobes, and in that instant she felt a wonderful, warm and cozy feeling, a feeling that filled her heart with pure joy and peace. Then she tucked him and she fell asleep in the mat, quietly, peaceful, and really happy to know that the most wonderful being in all the the whole universe was next to her....

Alternative/Extended end made on May 2009

She knew She shouldn't do it because it might wake him up, but she couldn't avoid gently stroking his arm and give him a small and tender kiss on one of his cute little lobes, and in that instant she felt a wonderful, warm and cozy feeling, a feeling that filled her heart with pure joy and peace. And when she kissed him she heard a slight and sweet moan, she thought "sorta nightmare?" and she gently stroked one of his lobes to calm him down a little, thinking he was having a nightmare...

In that instant, she heard a slight moan again, a little higher this time, so sexy, yet so cute, smooth, warm and harmonious, as the purr of a cat when his master caresses it ...Then was when she realized with great joy he actually was enjoying the caress, and she thought pleasantly surprised "Hey! He likes it!!" with a huge smile. She looked at him sweetly and couldn't avoid making a giggle...and suddenly, like a powerful beam that falls in a storm, it came to her mind the hypothetical theory she made once, and she thought " MY GOOD!!! It means that my theory is TRUE!!!! it's true!! it's true!!!!! Oh my goodness!!!! I just can't believe it!!! Oohh myy! it's true!"
She couldn't stop being overwhelmingly amazed, pleasantly amazed, so much that she could barely couldn't contain her excitement; she covered her mouth to not scream from excitement to not wake him, and instead of it, she returned to rubbing his face with his hands, shuddering with excitement.

She stood out of bed and looked out the window the starry sky, trying to calm herself down a bit. The stars shone so intensely that night, they were amazingly beautiful....While she looked out the window, she was wondering why no one had realized that about Wilt before, just to repair in the obvious answer: "it’s obviously because nobody pays attention to him" she thought. She calmed down a bit seeing the stars and she returned to sit quietly on one side of the bed, to continue stroking him lovingly a little bit more, before going to sleep in the mat...but she fell asleep on the bed, quietly, peaceful, and really happy to know that the most wonderful being in all the whole universe was next to her....

domingo, 9 de noviembre de 2014

That's all I did today!

Hiya there folks!  How are you doing?
Just yesterday in the mid-day I arrived home from the house of one of my classmates, I went there cos me and my classmates were doing a homework project for our drawing class, then I used the rest of the time yesterday to mop the floor and make a math homework I had and I wasn't able to do before because of the other pending homeworks I've  had.

Right now I know I need to take my time to start with the last project I have, that it's to make an animal in "plano seriado" (not sure of how to say that in english..."serial plane"? ) and also an essay of a movie we saw in "Creativity" class.

Funny  thing, all that day today, I wanted to take a bit of time to relax and draw something cool, and I tried! But I don't know why all the ideas I had turned out to not come out in the paper at the end XD So all what I was able to do today have been these little sketches.

These are part of an scene of one of the stories for a comic I was planning to draw with these characters. 

Today I was surfing on the web to see if I could have inspiration to draw, and I saw two comics by chance, one that was awful, and other that was really great, but it was sad to see that after that one comic, the person who made it never come back to do something as amazing as that. Rather, that artist started to draw porn.

So I was kind of sad when I started drawing today, but doing these sketches made me feel better, cos they are something truely cute and warm, and that kind of stuff always make me feel happy no matter how bad the reason for being sad is. :)

I'm not sure if I'm going to finish this scene or not, cos, althought it is loving and tender, I'm realizing that I keep having trouble with facial expressions as the past year. For example here in the 3 and 4 pannels, if you see the expression of him is anything like the one I wanted to draw!
I wanted him to have an expression that transmits he's grateful, happy and amazed cos his girl loves him, but didn't came out...the eyes look like he's a dork XD...or what do you think?

sábado, 18 de octubre de 2014

Art with bad reputation...

Hiya folks!
This is a journal I also shared on dA, where I talked a bit about the art genre with the worse reputation of all the time. One that in my opinion, is not fairly earned.

This journal was written originally on Mon Jul 14, 2014, 10:53 PM 
If you don't have a blog but you have a dA and you would like to comment on dA, then go HERE
Here's the quote so you can comment here too: 

"Today I was looking for inspiration through the comics secction on here, cos I'm planning to make a comic, and by chance I saw in the comics section of dA, a comic about Sonami (Sonic x Ami) that  looked very sweet but was incomplete, and with an outgoing link.
So I tried to see because the pages posted on dA started romantic, and I like sonicXami, and I saw a couple of pages, then I realized it was an erotic comic.
So I closed the page and gone, cos honestly, I realized, that I was starting to feel a bit tempted to try this genre of art and comics for a moment. So that's precisely why I don't see that kind of comics. Luckily some minutes later, I said "Naah" and just went back to da. And I think it's great that I think so, cos this kind of comics, I've seen it causes a lot of troubles and sorrow.

Cos the life of an erotic aftist it's too haid, as I've seen for other artist. Cos erotic artists can't post them on most of the respected art sites, and they have to go and put their artwork in nasty sites like 4chan or rule34 or some of those, because in dA or other sites, they don't accept them. And then their art mix with the porn!! *eeeeeeeeewww* And people who are lucking for true art, don't see it, because we people who look for art and don't like porn, we never got to those kind of sites.

Also, to make this genre of art you need to put a truly huge and deep piece of your soul and mind to do it, and a huge part of your intimacy, and all that only to receive lots of pervert people who say stupid stuff, people who mistake your art with porn, and lots of critics and insults from people who don't know the difference, being mad like if you were drawing porn. Because I must admit, as an artist I know there is a fine line beween these two, clear but fine, so most of people are ignorant  and can't differenciate porn from ecrotic art.

I personally...I think erotic art can be fine and nice if it's done well, and I have nothing against it. And I know I have the skills and the intelligence and the touch to do it and to do it right.
But I just don't think I could take the pressure of people insulting me because of their ignorance and perjudices. And neither the huge charge of loosing some of my dear friends in case that some of my friends don't know the difference between erotic and porn.
Also I would like to work with disney someday, and make comics, books and movies for all the family, so. No .

I just don't think I'm the right person for this kind of work....I must say, in my teens and even a bit of time as a young adult, I always felt so sad about how rejected, and also how bad fame bad artists give to this kind of artwork, when I found something about it by accident, looking for fanart of my favorite cartoons.
And even now...I must admit...I feel sad when I find by chance artist's beautiful artwork of that genre mixed with porn, and people treating it like porn.
Also when people don't do this kind of artwork right, and they give bad fame to this genre of art....cos I think all this it's unfair!
.....But I have fait still, that someday there will arrive a person or group of people, who will do this genre of art in a right way, and will redeem it. But it will not be me.
It will be a person with more intelligence than I, with a more strong heart than I to receiver critics, more cultured than I...and wiser.

I must admit, when I was younger, I discovered this genre of art that it's treated so badly unfairly, and I felt a really bad for it's bad fame due the artist, who sometimes start well but later they became bad and start drawing porn.
And I felt sad of not being me the one to redeem the good name of it....but later I understood characters can't be used for that, cos they have a bigger purpose, a purpose of helping people to see other wonders of the give faith and hope and courage in another areas of life. And I can't use "anonimous" or random characters for that genre of art cos then it would mean nothing.
So some time ago I arrived to the conclusion, helped by a friend of mine who was there always, that this kind of work....sadly it's not for me for these reasons..which it hurts in my soul and it's still, hard to accep. But my characters and stories transmit messages for kids, and teens, and all people in general, that couldn't be transmitted if I decided to do erotic artwork. So at the end I decided to do things for everybody, than only a small group of people.
Even if it hurts me not being able to help to make people understand why they should treat this part of human nature with respect and dignity, and that it's beautiful and natural. It doesnt hurt so much right now...cos I'm very aware my characters have other purposes, to transmit other messages that people need to heard more.
And even if I'm not going to see her or him, I have faith that God will hear my prayers, and sent other person to do this noble labor or teaching people how to treat this part of human nature in the future!"

jueves, 11 de septiembre de 2014

Finally Fulfilling a dream!

Hiya folks! How you're doing?
For the ones who still don't know, I'm at college now, I entered this past September 1. So yeah, that's why I haven't even passed by on dA in these  weeks. 

I've been so busy with the school in these days! It's the first time I'm not worrying about finish a homework so one of my teachers can see it tomorrow, when I have a free moment for myself. 
You know, I've never thought it would be this difficult, I haven't slept in 3 days because of the homework I need to finish from a day to the next! (so if I say something that sounds And yeah, that doesn't feel good =P... But well, that's the school, specially in this level of "university". we are no longer in junior high, here we need to search for almost every subject ourselves, that's one of the reasons why so much homework. 

 And yeah, of course I feel tired, I feel a bit like a zombie XD...yet I feel so happy oh my! :D How you can feel happy and tired at the same time, that's so amazing and bizarre! XD But it has a explanation! It's because, what I'm seeing at the school it's fascinating, and interesting, entertaining, and it's why if even if it's a lot of stuff to do, I feel happy and with energy to do it.
Also, not only the themes are interesting, but also my teachers are stupendous, and for what I've seen, my classmates are nice people too :) I'm still impressed I must say, cos it's the first time I see people who are nice with each others, my classand no, it's not a joke, it's true! 

I think...well I don't want to "put the salt on" as mexicans would say, you know, there's a Mexican saying states that if you say something it's going good you attract "the salt" the bad luck XD ...but yeah...I feel everything at college it's going great so far...even I would dare do say....tha I feel I've finally found a place I belong ^^...Where I feel happy, and inspired, I think it's cos I feel stimulated mentally and spiritually;
Cos my classmates are interesting, I've realized that we all have a lot of stuff in common! And as I said, also my teachers are awesome! They are interesting and cool people, people who like music, and drawing, design and art, I feel we have much stuff in common too! All this is awesome I think! :D
It's funny, I was going to study accounting, but for a good change of fortune, I've got the opportunity to study graphic design! So now I'm living one of my most longed dreams! Study an art-related career :D 
I was so naive though. XD Thinking that even in the college I could have some free time to write and draw as hobbie, or come here, even I was planning to write my first day at school, and the other days of my week! But no I couldn't!! :XD: Although as I said, I don't complain, all this is great :)

So, well also I come to say two things, first, my apologíes por being off too long. I've had a friend of mine who some time ago went to college, and for me it was a bit hard to believe she din't had time to come here in months, cos it was sad that at the end she decided to deactivate her account here, cos she felt bad for those who went mad or sad cos she couldn't have time to come and reply their messages in a good while. So now I apologize with her, cos I know that it's true! College takes almost all your time =P 

As I'm realizing, with the college it's going to be a bit harder than I though to have free time to spent on updating this blog or even drawing. What takes me to the second thing I was going to say:
I don't think I'll have much free time until vacation time in December, and even so I'm not sure =P We will see. 
I just would like to say I probably wouldn't be able to make to post more drawings here until the vacation time. I haven't drawn anything since Sept 1 the day I entered the school, except for the things I had to draw for homework So I think at the rare case I can update, it probably will be drawings from my homework *chuckles* I hope you're ok with that, homework stuff I have it's cool too! 

So, thanks for letting me share a bit of my everyday life with you guys, I hope to see you on December. A bientôt mes amis! 

domingo, 7 de septiembre de 2014

Some of his great comments!

Hiya folks! How you're doing?
Today I'd like to take a time to talk about a dear friend.
One of his greatest features was his sense of humor. He was one of the most cheerful, warm and laid-back person I've ever seen in the face of the earth! Or the universe I would even say!
And I say "was" in this case, but not cos he is died or anything, just cos I'm referring that I haven't seen him in a pretty good time. For me these feel like it have been lonely and sad...eons...

But even if now he seems to be vanished, I would love to tell the world about him, about the amazing personality and traits of him. I would really love to do it!....I want so much to so it!...
But it's so difficult! Since it's been a long long time since I've seen him for the last time....And all the great replies to my comments I did on the page where he had his photos now aren't here!! so...

So I'm feeling like what this song I'm listening right now says.  And like in the song, I don't know why.  This is both, funny and a bit sad at the same time....I guess it's because maybe, my mind blocked his memories was too much the moment I realized he was no longer there...and maybe all the pain I felt at that moment overwhelmed me...

Well, anways I'll try at least XD
But well, that's why the forums exists I think :D Some months ago I found a couple of his comments from him in the web that didn't dissapeared! Since they were in a forum, so it's my pleasure to share them with you.

And example of his humor...well I'm not sure if I can give you a good example....I wish I had all the great comments he gave me on the community where we meet....but I don't.  Because the account there was deactivated...And it gives me an strike of sadness and nostalgia to realize that I'll never be able to see those again...and I had no chance to save them because, I had a lifestyle that absorbed my time very much, and plus!I never imagined that something so sad that was going to happen!...

But there's a couple of comments from him I could find at least. This one that was from a forum, where we can see how he introduces himself beautifully.
And this intro it's beautiful, not just because his intro was very fun and very clear and elegant, but also for the form of how he writes, look! He writes in small separated paragraphs so it can be easy for the readers to read what he writes.

So here you can see a bit of his elegant way to write, and a bit of his funny phrases! The phrase that made me laugh the most in this text I think, was when he joked about how dA people doesn't make deep talkings....Because it's true! XD  Or well at least that's what I understood from this contexts of "huîtres"...I might be wrong though about the expression...if I'm wrong tell me please.

And I loved a lot this little joke about his english! It made me laugh the first time I saw it, and now it still makes me giggle and smile *giggles*

"Puis d'un coté je suis pas non plus une lumière en anglais.. Et ça se résume à "Pretty!"..."Thx..""

This phrase up there in particular, it caught my attention a lot specially because, "je suis pas une lumiere" it's a phrase that we also use in my country. So for me it was specially funny and cute seeing him using it, and realizing that there was an expression in french that was similar of the one where I live ^^  Here in Mexico we usually use the word "lumbrera" but it's quite the same thing, it's a synonim.

Note: I hide his real name here cos I'm not sure if he would like that people know it, since he erased his real name from his account, before it was deactivated.

posté Mar 19 2012, 22:07
Message #1

Groupe : membres
Messages : 8
Inscrit : 19 / 03 / 12
Membre no 6,795
Salut le monde!

Je porte le nom de --------, j'ai 22 ans mais ceux qui ont une dent contre
 moi disent que j'en fais que 3..

Et je leurs réponds que 3 dents plus celle qu'ils détiennes est largement suffisant et que nos employés sont au max de leurs  possibilités de production..

En logiciels j'utilise du PS CS5 et je débute d'ici peu Blender ver 2.62.

Sur Photoshop je fais de la photo-manipulation, je le pratique activement depuis 8 mois.

Blender depuis 3 jours (oui je sais ça fait moins sérieux mais je m'en moque vous allez pas me payer XD )

Je suis jeune informaticien plus précisément en tant que AIMMI( encore un titre pour péter de la brou!)

Agent d'intervention en matériels micro informatique..

Ce qui regroupe trois modules de bases de l'info, Réseau, maintenance et hotline.

Je pratique à côté en loisir l'ocarina et me suis mis au Ukulélé et je m'occupe d'un forum dédié à ses deux instruments.

Je fais aussi du Airsoft avec mes amis et je suis aussi un passionné de MMO RPG

Je souhaitais avoir un lieux pour discuter art, je sévi habituellement sur DA mais les gens là bas ont de longues conversations digne d'un intellect d’huîtres (pardon je souhaite faire aucunes diffamations au prés des huîtres..)

Puis d'un coté je suis pas non plus une lumière en anglais.. Et ça se résume à "Pretty!"..."Thx.."

Merci à vous d'avoir pris le temps de me lire..

Ah aussi Molière a un jour insulté ma maman depuis je me fais un plaisir de massacrer sa langue et au passage foutre un coup à sa grand mère..Donc je m'en excuse..

Other thing that I've always loved about him, it's how proper and polite he was. But also that he could defend himself when someone goes to insult him...without sounding vulgar, with still being proper! Like he does up there. That's a great trait on a man I think, being able to be proper and elegant and still be able to defend himself from people who is mean with him....And well, of any person in general, heheh.
Also that of "massacrer sa langue"  it was cool, made me laugh a lot! XD  You would think I'm crazy, but I love how french people use this expression, although for an english-speaking it would sound like "a bit disturging or weird" but for me it just sounds funny.
I think is cos here in mexico we also say this when talking bad a language, but obviously, it's not literal, but figuratively....some English-speaking people take all too literal XD

Now, this one was a comment he made on a flower photo, on a very popular art community. He was making a joke about how the petals of the flower were falling, like if the flower was death. And I thought it was so funny, because he was acting like a detective! LOL
I only post the quotes to protect the identity of the people, cos I'm not sure if they want me to mention them. And I wouldn't like to make anybody feel bothered!

Hello, thanks for the kind words, but no, the rose was photographed in my family's garden and I darkened the background to black. But it was too simple, so I used a "falling rose petals" photo from the internet and I merged the 2 layers in Photoshop. I know, it's rather a  photomanipulation, but here the rose photo is more important than "Hey, look at this, how good I can use my Photoshop =  Manupulation", so that's why it's not in the manipulation topic. But I will do a better 'manipulation', cuz here the petals are extremely small, I wasn't careful enough :S
Plaenan Sep 15, 2013  Hobbyist General Artist
Ah ah ah !:D
We pass to confessions? You have remorse?
Where were you the june 23 at 14h? And how do you explain that Mrs.
Rose died suddenly in the garden? Garden where you were on the day of the assassination!
(Just kidding of course):rofl:

If I asked this question at the outset.
This is because your flower has a impressive sharpness.
I asked me if you had just used a macro lens and a teleconverter who is fixed on  the first lens for boost the zoom power.
This has the effect of darkening the background with a macro flash. And I thought you had used this technique (because it interests me).
But you have answered me.

For the rest, the photomanipulation is not prohibited in the photograph it is called post-precessing.
But anyway I do not have to judge you on your personal choice.
We have the right to say we love it or not. But to say that it sucks, it's of egocentrism.

But that it become not a hindrance to your progress.
As an artist you have to have the humility to listen to the opinions of others even if it is not positive and it can hurt you.CURSE YOU!

In any case, thank you for your reply.:happybounce:
I'm agree on this what he says about post processing, it is something that it's ok in photography, and well we all have the right to have their opinions about it. I particulary think it's a great help sometimes. And also I think it's true what he said, that as an artist you should have the humility to listen other people's opinions! That is a very clever comment in my opinon.

And look how he knows about his stuff! ^^ I hope someday he can come back to tell me what he was talking about when he referred to the teleconverted and darkening the background....because I have not idea of how to do that *shy giggles*...and me who have been into photography almost a lifetime...that's a shame! shame on me! XD...
But well, I use a a pocket camera and I have no bigger trouble with it, so I didn't worry much about the techniques at that moment. that's all folks! heheh...
And I know, mabye this doesn't tell you much about him...but well...I tried my best! Not reminding much of him in these moments it makes me a bit sad...but I'm hopeful I will later :)
I hope this can give you a laugh or two, heheh, and you can have fun reading this blog.

lunes, 18 de agosto de 2014

My gecko and I

So yes, even despite I've received a few of sad news, specially when my pet died.  It happens that I keep designing  my characters, and struggling to make this story work.
And what about what I commented about my doubts on my skills?" you might wonder. Well, the true it's that since some time ago I had those doubts, and there are people who will always try to make you to have more and more doubts.

Like for example what they say in that episode of the Simpsons I saw once. Where Lisa discovers the author of her favorite book didn't really wrote the book. And then Lisa tells Bart that it is possible for one single people to write a book, but Bart says no, and him and other 5 people get together and try to write a book. In the episode the group writes a book at the end, and lisa doesn't, cos she keeps postponing it.
This episode implies that one single person cannot write a book, but I think that's not true, cos I know a friend of mine who have wrote a book all by her own.
I think Lisa couldn't write, but not cos she doesn't have talent, but just because deep inside she wasn't sure of her own talent to write, so he did lots of things to avoid to write.

With time in my experience, I've discovered that  for writing you not only need talent, but also persistence and faith in yourself.
And well it's normal actually, to feel doubts when you're starting an artistic project and you notice there are setbacks, but these are always like "little rocks in the way" so to speak.
But I think they are there to make life more interesting and exciting, and doubts assault you, you just need to try and relax a bit. For example, when you feel stuck in doing an artwork (writing, painting, etc) what I would recommend a lot is to take some time to relax, to do other things. Things like, I don't taking a walk or make a picnic in the park, to go to the beach, play with your pet if you have one, play a cool video game or to watch a good movie, that always helps and makes you feel ready to re-take the story or painting or comic or anything you're doing.

So, yes I'm in this business still, and a few days ago I did this sketch in Sepia. In the up side it's Laura (the main character of this story) as a teenager, and his pet who it's a gecko, and who still doesn't have a name, so you can suggest one.

The other drawing it's Laura  as a kid, and that's the scene where she shows the gecko his home, it supposed to be made of glass, and it has some drawings that she glued there to decorate the house, but since she's a kid she draws a bit sloppy.
And no, it's not a Cemetery! XD it supposed to be a drawing of London she made, cos she lives there and she likes the place.

That why I made her live on London? Well...because of the British accent of course! :D ;)
Yeah I know, probably I will never have the chance to released this to tv so voice will be useless, but...but just in case XD
Also in the original story she was British and lived in London, cos I would love to visit London someday.

Here I share the sketch without painting so you can see it is London. There, the tallest building is the Big Ben.

sábado, 16 de agosto de 2014

Do I really have the skills?

I've been really bored today cause there's nothing on TV....I come online and there's nothing here, too.
I used to think when I felt like I do now, that it was mostly cos I felt I realized that actually nobody cares about what I do or what I don't...
But I guess not...cos there are a couple of good people in my life who do care...And truly appreciate and admire and who I wouldn't change for anything!  I just wish I could be able talk with them very often...

...I'm trying to figure out how I feel, and I think's that sometimes I just feel tired of life...of the world...of the horrible things some people do to our fellow humans...And mostly, I feel tired of struggling and working hard and waking up every morning with a hope and do my best in everything, and that even so, even after that it seems that I can do nothing, to make this a bit better world.
And then when it comes my turn to die...nobody will remember me...I feel like I'll never be able to give this world something useful or worthy...something they really like...

Today I saw a comic that promises to be awesome for what I've been seeing so far. And it's so cool..but it makes me a bit sad too, I only wish my stories and artwork would look that cool ...
Don't get me wrong, I'm always glad when I see other people creating stuff that is successful, but...but... why for once it can be my turn....why once it wouldn't be me who can create amazing stuff?...Sometimes I feel desperate cos, I think I will never Invent a comic that can be amazing like the ones I've seen *sigh*...
I haven't even wrote since the last time I was writing and I lost everything. But I'm not sure of how find the motivation...Some time ago when I was having lots of inspiration for a story, I talked about one of my stories with one of my closest friends, someone whose opinion meant a lot for me, and he made lots of negative comments about it...since then I have not much inspiration for writing, I have vague ideas of all my stories but no end or no beginning or troubles with the plot or something! But there always have to be something wrong with them!...And I don't know what to do...
The same applies with the college career I signed in this year. It's Graphic design...And I chose it because that's what I wanted since I was little, to have an career that was Art related, and later to use my talent to create amazing and wonderful stuff that can make people laugh and cry, be moved, think and reflex, that can give them hope and faith to realize their dreams, that make them...think for themselves! That was my dream...but now I'm not sure if....if this was the right choice...cos I see it's getting too difficult for me to make a comic or book.

Maybe I should have chose accounting after all, and settle with being an accountant cos my drawing and writing skills never were that good to do something successful as I thought?....
I don't wanna think so though...I really don't. 
....It's wrong that I don't want to accept setting with giving up on making a comic or book?.... You my fellow artist who are reading this, have some advice to find the motivation to write or make a comic?